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>Sorry chudlettes, Halloween is cancelled for not being inclusive enough. Now sit down and hold this rainbow flag while a 35 year old troon with Asperger's and fishnet stockings reads you a story.


>Nooooo you can't cancel a pretend holiday to spare the feeling of children to poor to get costumes!
Based middle class enjoyer. How can I like and subscribe to your channel?


I like communists are so incompetent that they see having a sustained internet presence and fans as some sort of sign bourgeois decadence…

…and then after they get tired if that, they work for a corporate funded NGO or DNC aligned superpac


>Coming up next: Slippery Rock High bans Santa Clause in their WAR ON CHRISTMAS


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Don't you have a Vice article about the trans genocide to make a TikTok about?


tbh Halloween is kinda overrated

People decorate their houses with horror-theme stuff for four weeks for a holiday thatbis on the last day of the month, takesplace at night, and lasts for two hours.

At least Thanksgiving lasts for three days.

Christmas lasts for twelve days.

Halloween is just demading stangers to give you candy.

Kinda antithetical to stranger danger logic.

Yet, kids aremt allowed to play outside unsupervised by themselves during the daytim by themselelves.


In high trust ethnically homogeneous societies, they do

It's only faggot millennial parents who advocate for diversity that simultaneously raise like porcelain faggots


>faggoty millennials

I havent heard millennials being blamed/derogatized for a decade.

People now sit on zoomers and Gen Alphas.

At last the people whom are doing it are millenials whom have done the same things they condemn their juniors for doing.


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Gen z and alphas are generally too young to have kids.

Millennials, in the few instances they have children, immediately try to change their kids' gender, shame them for being white, and demand they wear a cuckmask at all times. Or do stuff like pat themselves on the back for cancelling x problematic thing. All while building nothing except for some retarded crafting project they saw on reddit/twinktok.

I rarely see a millennial dude who isn't a low T beardo-weirdo or a women who isn't fat, loud, and walks like sasquatch

Truly the biggest immanent faggots in the world are western millennials

>Pic related. Some insufferable millennial cunt posting on social media to ensure the entire world knows that she doesn't care about their opinion… She just wants to make sure they all know that.


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Isn't there a school you need to harass for saying X-Mas?


Isn't there a trans teen sports player you need to protest?


.ogre samefag


>projecting .ogre


That's right! These liberals need to stop trying to shove their sensitivity down everyone's throat. Why do they do this? Why is Aerial black. Did you see Blue Beatle? Why does Hollywood hate whites!? Like and Subscribe


What are you talking about?


Talking about you niqqa


I didn't say anything like that.

Sounds like some weird low T delusion/leftist unreality.

You should probably go back to the .org/reddit echobox. Jannies need to have their girldicks serviced.


>muh .ogre
You talk like a little alt-right bitch crying about another irrelevant culture war issue. Who gives a fuck if they cancel Halloween in bumble fuck no where. You wanna make it an issue because you're a soft little cunt that wants to virtue single to his fellow CHUDs.


>Who gives a fuck if they cancel Halloween?????
Normal people who live in offline communities grounded in traditions and face to face interactions.

Why is this such a triggering issue for you?
>Inb4 omg you sound like a triggered culture warrior CHUD
Idk anon, you're the person jumping in the thread and sounding hysterical woman, using niche internet jargon only found on websites like leftytroon.org


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>Normal people who live in offline communities grounded in traditions and face to face interactions.
Cope ya misanthropic home body. Barely anyone cares about Halloween. They mark decorations 50% in the first week of October. You'd know that if you ever went shopping with your mommy.
>Why is this such a triggering issue for you?
Because your alt right culture war is gay and stupid.
>Idk anon, you're the person jumping in the thread and sounding hysterical woman,
Women do be pretty hysterical eh fellow Andrew Tate enjoyer? Don't forget to enroll for next semester at Hustler University!
>using niche internet jargon only found on websites like leftytroon.org
Are the .ogres in the room with us now?


Ok weirdo. Why are you awake at 5am anyways?


>He doesn't know.
Wow, you really do need to get laid.


You candy ass was just crying about Halloween being canceled and you didn't even go out tonight LMAO.


>Need to get laid
I cummed on my gfs face/tits yesterday and have a date with a different girl tonight
>OMG, you didn't even go out last night.
I'm in a very different time zone than you. You should go to sleep anon. You sound cranky.


>I cummed on my gfs face/tits yesterday and have a date with a different girl tonight
And then everyone clapped.
>I'm in a very different time zone than you. You should go to sleep anon. You sound cranky.
>I knew what timezone you were in but didn't know tonight was the Saturday before Halloween so didn't know why anyone would be up late now.
Look at you, looking all stupid.


>Super concerned about a bullshit burger holiday being canceled.
>I-I-I'm in a different time zone. I don't live in burgerland!
Shut up, you're a burger, only they worry about stupid shit like this.


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>Can't fathom someone living outside of mom's basement, let alone a different country
Seethe harder faggot

Update: girl flaked, about to go chat up others


Millennials complain endlessly about Gen Z being obnoxious/oversensitive.

Yet, its millennials whom getpissy if someone younger than them daresbto criticise them on one single thing.

I remember back in 2007 - 2014 when Millennials were the byword of the modern culture.

Hipsters, social media, dubstep, gangster rap, etc.

Now, theyre acting like they were the last breed of normalcy.

Millennials created YouTube Poops and Vine, video mashup entertsinment of random special effects where thibgs switch every five seconds.

Yet they get mad at TikTok and AI-generated comedy, which can have longer duration and more coherent plotline.

Irony is, Millennials used to blame the Baby Boomers for their plight. Now theyre sucking up to them.


>It's totally normal for a foreigner to care about these obscure holidays and how their celebrated in the middle of no where USA. I'm not a MAGApede addicted to Fox News, I'm really from another country!


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From personal experience, the single mom stereotype seems to be kimitied only to ghettofab/white trash types

Most other single moms are usually well dresses but theyre not as feminine due to being overloaded with kids amd work.

Also lets not act like single dads are better either.


Alot of our MaGapeds are foreigners though.

Amd they have the sae dumbed down logic of poltical orientstion as the classic reacrionary burgers.

Yet the core burger crowd of MAGA doesnt even recognize them let alone respect them


multiracial, multinational, LBG-friendly, working class MAGA Communists


Trooned out white liberals, PMC + tech 'workers,' state employees (i.e., the social and bureaucratic swamp), and finance oligarchs

sounds pretty accurate tbh


bruh. MAGApedes may be multirscia andhave trans minorities but they arent as virtuous as you think.

Theyre all into the news cycle and are only united in their indignation against SJWs.

In fact, they have theor own right wing flavor of wokeism.


>News 12
>owned by Atlice USA
>Patrick Drahi

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