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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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File: 1698561427177.mp4 ( 2.82 MB , 480x852 , Yjr4DOWyx-tkJTqc.mp4 )


Tfw you've been coddled by women your whole life and somehow think that there won't be consequences to aggressively telling an aggravated man twice your twice to 'get out of here.' Woefully unprepared for the real world outside of zoom meetings and slack

(if this would have occured anywhere outside of the west, the dumb whore would have been punched too)


Bruh if this happened outside the west that niqqer would have been beaten down by a ragamuffin.
Don't know what this is but there's a literal retard there. Looks like someone's bbq


Why do people talk before violence? No one in this video knows stealth. Just calmly stroll behind the guy that's twice your size, stab him, then run. Westoid honor codes have everyone thinking they're a saturday morning cartoon character that deserves a monolouge.


Most Western peoole view life like its a cartoon show.

Look at our adult entertainment.

Also OP is kinda wrong on the firdt sentence. Male incompetence isnt always becauseof female authorship.

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