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Typical redditleftist/orgfag
>'why are you focused on cultural issues anon. It's a porkie psyop to distract you from the important things'
>Also has whole boards dedicated to video games and cartoons
Why is the western'left' like this?

Meanwhile in China
>Highly focused on cultural issues, in the opposite was from the orgfag left. Bans faggots on TV and forbids effeminate men in video games

Back in the west
>Mental gymnastics to explain how China is a socialist country, except that part, which is ackshually regressive


Um, China isnt some machismo country.

Also whats wromg with femboys in video games anyway?


>naive bisexual/incel zoomer checking in


lol at yourself. spare us your schizophrenic reactionary folklore


>Passportless burger 'internationalist' checking in


Enjoying culture isn't the same as having it superceed class struggle.
>forbids effeminate men in video games
You have never played a chinese videogame lmao, those gacha boys fruity as hell. I'm gonna assume the TV thing is bs too, as if TV was still relevant current year.


Did you struggle with class today anon?


irony is, masculinity in the past included makeup and fancy dresses.

Ballet was invented in Russia amd was mostly a male sport.

Men used to write sentimental letters to each otger, complimenting each others' looks and talents.


>A small subset of aristocrats teetering on the brink of collapse wore dresses. That means masculinity isn't real
This is the level of discourse the modern left has for us. Best just to ignore modern leftists, since they have nothing interesting to say. These sort of gotcha moments might impress you female sociology professors. But outside of liberal arts universities, they just make you look like a fag who doesn't understand the core of what masculinity is


I think your idea of masculinity is based on what you see in action movies and fringe right wing circles.

Also, such things werent "aristocrats in collapse."

Alot of masculinity-obsessed folks loke you often emd up packing fudge.

Lool at alot of religious conservative culta.


Masculinity has everything to do with survival in competitive environments, not reproduction. So it's not related to sexuality. A gay man can be highly masculine, and a straight guy can be highly feminine.

There is no contradiction there.

I do find it interesting how often your mind goes to homo buttsex though

>But back to the question at hand

Masculinity is a constellation of tactical virtues which are commonly associated with manhood (as distinct and separate from womanhood) across time an different cultures. Traits such as strength, courage, mastery, and honor form the crux of masculinity. These traits helped groups survive in environments of competitive struggle (both against other groups and nature itself).

That is to say, a woman doesn't come across as more womanly by developing a trait like strength. But a man does come across as more masculine by developing strength.

Leftist dorks like Vaush, who don't have a masculine bone in their body, often take on superficial symbols of manhood, like beards, to compensate for their essential faggotry. (Or maybe they're just to lazy to shave. I'm not really sure).

As I said, I'm not surprised that you don't understand masculinity. Outside of the ghetto, there aren't many generalized competitive environments in late stage burgerstan


>As I said, I'm not surprised that you don't understand masculinity. Outside of the ghetto, there aren't many generalized competitive environments in late stage burgerstan

You probably dont pay enough attention then.

Also in the ghettos, theres no virtue. Its just gangbanging and endless bragging.

And yes I know masculinity is about tactics. But Im saying your ideals of masculinuty seems to be about showing off how much dumb stunts you can do.


uyghur. Can you read?
<Masculinity is a constellation of tactical virtues which are commonly associated with manhood (as distinct and separate from womanhood) across time an different cultures. Traits such as strength, courage, mastery, and honor form the crux of masculinity. These traits helped groups survive in environments of competitive struggle (both against other groups and nature itself).


Masculinity of the time may simply have been bourgois, just as masculinity of today is consumerist. That which was expensive to participate in then had become easy to observe through film and easy to obtain thanks to industrial production and thus left to women as scraps, like ballet, pink dye and frilly dresses. While that which is expensive today is deemed masculine, like sparkling water, crypto and the color of one's bugati.


those aret exclusive to men. Women had to be like this as wel.

Also again, you said that the ghettos sre last tenets of masculinity in the mosern world.

That tells me you probably oneof those jocular idealists.

Masculinity is not just merely dumb brute strength and fighting for lols.


This. Mascukinity is now defindby how rutless amd edgy you are against other groups amd emdless showing off.

Look at the machismo cult woth "sigma male" or "hustler/grinding" bullshit.


>Can't read

I didn't say masculine traits are exclusive to men.

I didn't say that ghettos were the last 'tenets' of masculinity in the modern world (which doesn't even make sense anyways)

At this point, I'm assuming you are either acting retarded or literally have an 85 autism score.

<And I've still yet to see anyone else here offer a definition of masculinity (beyond, durr durr masculinity is just a Hollywood myth, or marketing ploy, or a TikTok meme)- which again leads me to believe you're all effeminate fags who were possibly raised by single mothers.


>yall are raised by single moms.

Yep. Thanks for outing yourself as another one of those jocular idealists.

Anyone whom you dont like/agree with is "raised by single moms."

Also again, I said masculinity isnt just brute strength and fights for lols.

Masculinity does exist but its not as cartoonish as Hollywood makes it out to be.


You've yet to define masculinity

It's just more 'masculinity is not…' grandstanding faggotry

I'm the only anon in this thread who has given a concrete definition of what masculinity actually is (i.e., the character traits of strength, courage, honor, mastery)

Is it a perfect definition? Probably not.

But it's still the only coherent positively defined definition for masculinity itt. The rest of you are so lost in your manhood, you can't even fathom what masculinity could be in terms of a positive definition which transcends modern media/culture.

<And perhaps if you didn't act like a wormy faggot, I wouldn't characterize your behavior as fatherless.

<Just a thought

So let's be real. Masculinity has been strongly absent from Amerikwans males for the past 3 or so generations (when cowards stayed behind during WW2, while masculine men went off to fight/die, thus subsequently spawning a generation of faggot boomers). Otherwise, like you said, much of what is thought of as masculine is a cartoony Rambo-esque Hollywood version - precisely for this reason.


See what I mean?
You still think masculinity is just fihhting in wars and edgy shit.

>only cowards stayes behind in ar

Also, America joined WW2 near the very end. They only joined when Japan bombed Pesrl Harbor.

Things like honor and strmwgth are still existent. But real lofe is nowhere near as glamorous as what movies and books make it out to be.

If anything, the insecure one seems to be you.

Masculinity to me is getting a trade or civic duty to help sustain society or self sustennance.

But of course, machismo ideaists like you cry about crisis of mascukinity in postmodern society while having no investment in business or trades.

Plenty of flexers like you I see on imageboards and you endup in the news as mass shooters or sexual predators or junkies.


Is it possible for you to have a discussion in good faith?

I've only clearly defined masculinity 4 times in this thread. Each time consistently.

Yet you still can't type out a reply with your sausage fingers without the first sentence being a strawman.

This is exactly how effeminate male behavior manifests intellectually.

>Things like honor and strmwgth are still existent. But real lofe is nowhere near as glamorous as what movies and books make it out to be.

Where the fuck did I saying that anything was glamorous?

This is you arguing against something you've made up

>Masculinity to me is getting a trade or civic duty to help sustain society or self sustennance.

Sounds a bit like a slave morality cope, i.e., an attempt to valorize your own subordinate social position. But something such as 'learn a trade' also falls within the purview of mastery - which I already said (and you happily ignored before proceeding to mischaracterize).

>Plenty of flexers like you I see on imageboards and you endup in the news as mass shooters or sexual predators or junkies.

What? Imageboards are largely anonymous. So on the face of you, this is bullshit

>Mass shooters

<Omg yikes. That's gonna be a nope from me
You are a reddit tier faggot

>Sexual predators

Why be a liar when you can also be a white knight faggot who doesn't fuck yet constantly 'calls out' 'problematic behavior' around you?


Sounds a bit like projection here

<Tldr: never expect a muhleftists to have a discussion based on reality. Simply accept that leftists live in a fantasy world or otherwise always lie


>Naww man youre just making shit up as you go along, youre just a low T whiteknighting virgin beta soy male!


It all checks out.

I already explained my side of the story and youre still raging about me trying to dodge the question.

Once again, youre just another one of these imageboard anons whom wasted away on armcahir intellectual shit and is taking out your "masculine" frustrations out onto anyone.


>youre just a low T whiteknighting virgin beta soy male!
Where's the lie?


>Reeeehing about imageboards
You're free to go back to reddit, newfag


Is everyone whom disagree with you a whiteknight/soyboy/low T?

Lol, imageboards are just alternative Reddit

Lots of bans, pure indignation, amd shitposts with recycled inside jokes, nostalgia about overrated memes from 2007-2013, and whining about perpetual virginity after high school.

Imageboards think themselves to be bastions os culture but you guys just screenshot posts/videos from Reddit, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok for any deeper invested discussion.


>youre just a low T whiteknighting virgin beta soy male!

I'll ask again.

Where is the lie?


And I ask again, do you call anyone you disagree with a whiteknight/soyboy, etc?

Did you get into politics before or after imageboards?

Do you particpate in volunteer work at least?


Ok. No lie detected

Got it


Yep. The projection tells me youre a typical postboomer rightist.


>No, you are!!


>strength, courage, honor, mastery
A society where only half the population is expected to have these is doomed to be bulldozed by any society where femininity also requires these traits.



mascukinity is just an aesthetic euphemism for burden of performance.

Technicality and morals are required of everyone, not just the afult male quarter.

Its just that its "cooler" to have prime age adult males do the heavy lifting while the female youths and elders sit on their asses.


Again, for the people who lack the ability to think beyond reddit gotcha hot takes, women can be strong, courageous, etc.

However, when someone is courageous, stronger, honorable, etc, we* don't say they are more feminine.

*We, meaning people raised with positive and capable male role models.

Correct about the burden of performance part

However, strength is associated with masculinity because males are, on average, much stronger than females. It's not some media psyop. Such a notion of masculinity is thousands of years old.

Just because in the west, everyone works in an air conditioned office, besides your Latino worker-servants, and thus suffers from muscular atrophy unless otherwise checked, doesn't mean this fundamental aspect of masculinity ceases to exist.

A lot of your confusion comes from the fact that you live in the heart of a finance capital empire.

Base>structure>superstructure — in case you need to be reminded about the ABCs of Marxism


Im aware of what ypure saying. Bit Im talking the guilt tripping by society to make men agree to dumb Herculean to prove their balls have dropped.
That, or inciting riot or riff raff to show theyre not "faggy".


Ya I agree, too much masculinity in society, or masculinity misdirected - is definitely not a good thing.

A bunch of dudes obsessed with strength and honor and strength, with no positive outlet for such, is a recipe for trouble

This is true with most things though

Any virtue taken too far or practiced in excess becomes a vice

Another issue is that there aren't many outlets for masculine expression in modern society. A (womanly) obsession with safety has created a situation in which boys never really learn masculinity through play and uninhibited exploration. In some cases, older boys and young men will stumble into it through their own efforts and drive. However, society is set up in large part to stifle this – because nothing could possibly be worse than denying women the opportunity to comfortably participate in (and largely ruin) something. /S


Masculinity is now defined by servitude to women.

Especially young women.
Young women wanna talk shot about heir male peers saying they deserve an older male.

Yet most young women are infantile themelves. Not because of their youth but becaus fathers and other adult males over-protect female youth.

Meanwhile, male youth are looked down on and and patronized.
The masculinity crisis is due to chivalry.


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Masculinity has almost nothing to do with women. Bands of men for centuries have treated women as a spoil of victory – as they should. Not as an object of desire itself.

The crises of masculinity has everything to do with the modern rhetorical positioning of being a 'real man' as something the benefits women (see pic related).

The rhetoric around 'toxic masculinity' is ironic, since it obscures the fact that such 'toxic masculinity' is born from males who were raised and trained in childhood exclusively by females.


>However, when someone is courageous, stronger, honorable, etc, we* don't say they are more feminine.
>*We, meaning people raised with positive and capable male role models.
Kinda just sounds like you had wimpy, dishonorable, ect… female role models and looked to the well adjusted male role models you had for those things.


Still waiting for the fizeek poast


Did I actually pull a freud? lol

Is this it then, we just need to get women to lift more so people associate those qualities with femininity again? Astroturf a buff woman to be the Andrew Tate of women?


Are you going out of your way to come across like an agnostic faggot, or does it come natural to you?


You must have a very difficult time interacting with women. Are you single or in a sexless relationship?



Virtue and strength and industriality arent exclusive to men.

Women are exempted from having to prove themselves because men are simps.

>Masculinity has almost nothing to do with women. Bands of men for centuries have treated women as a spoil of victory – as they should. Not as an object of desire itself.

That practice is what led to chivalry which vegat simping.

>The rhetoric around 'toxic masculinity' is ironic, since it obscures the fact that such 'toxic masculinity' is born from males who were raised and trained in childhood exclusively by females.

Nah. Toxic masculinity does exist. But its misused by third wave feminists.

Again masculinity crisis is due to guilt tripping by media.
Boys are told to be expendable demigod-soldiers yet tone down the "manliness".

Its not female authority thats ruining boys so much as selfish hebegynophilic male elders.

Alot of female authorities have to answer to male superiors. Its the male superiors whom see male juniors as "competition" for pussy and relevance.

why are you so butthurt about having women not be dainty useless dolls?


My mom could beat your mom in a fight >:3c

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