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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
Tor Only

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Samefagging can only be a thing in a board where participants are treating the board as masked groupchat: speaking as oneself, aware of others. If everyone is truely acting as anon, then wouldn't an imageboard thread be the collaborative construction of a monolouge?


>If everyone is truely acting as anon, then wouldn't an imageboard thread be the collaborative construction of a monolouge?

Why does being anonymous and acting anonymous mean that you don't think of yourself as an individual? Anon is still an individual just without a name, right?


But when everyone is effectively just speaking through anon, people are constantly attempting to infer the identity of the other users to remove that obfuscation.
I should clarify I had the idea for this thread from a .ogre thread I read a few minutes prior: https://leftypol.org/siberia/res/464781.html
I like the sticky note analogy they gave.


>>150498 (cont)
But like, I don't think their absolute removal of the individual is quite the right answer, though I copied their terminology by calling it a monologue, but the idea of leaving a sticky note next to another without regard for authors feels more authentically anonymous somehow.


Definitely a good thought provoking post, but like if you are comparing it to bathroom graffiti or a cork board then someone goes "here's a story" and someone else goes "nvm i suxcock" well they are all playing "anon" but it's different anons. It's not even like how you can have two personalities arguing in your own head when you're thinking about something. It's literally two anons that are otherwise the same and indistinguishable. Basically the axiom of choice in mathematics.


>>150502 (me)
So I guess I'm just confused about why they call it a monolog.

I definitely see the author's point where the discussion dissolves into shit-flinging when on a small imageboard you just assume you know someone. That's stupid and it happens on leftychan all the time.

That being said I actually paid no attention to the unique ip counter at the bottom of threads until i saw it this week, and I think now that I know about it, it might stop me from replying to multiple people with multiple comments in small threads… (in larger ones it doesn't matter) so idk if the unique ip thing is actually beneficial.

We don't have arguments about samefagging that much though thankfully.

Unique IPs: 2

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