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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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What is it? Why should I read it? Summarize it!!!




Lszy nigari.


>The tldr is right there. It's called a headline.

I just finished a 5k run. Don't really have time to cater to sunlight-deprived shallow breathers who are too busy playing vidya to take five minutes to read an article yet demand other people break everything down into cheetoh-sized nuggets for them



Buy an ad


That's your witty comeback??

Jesus the modern left is feeble. No wonder you guys can't even grow your dead board lol

>Gotta actually have traffic before you start selling ads


rightoids can't handle memes that aren't mascots.




>I'm a space marine with over 5000 confirmed kills. You have no idea how much you just fucked up, buddy. You're dead….DEAD.


Shitlib outlet, not reading.


You're already Libbychan. What's the big difference?


>what's the difference between a liberal outlet and a Marxist forum
Back to reddit or breadtube or where ever you're from.


.org is the marxist one, .net specializes in burgerpolitik like masculinity and incelism.



European culture and psychological disposition makes sense when you consider that they're all descended from people who who too pussy to go to America


Go back m00dy troon.
.org is a cult.


it's over


>former members like Austin say they were victims of a coercive club that dictated
>where members could work,
>whom they could date,
>where they could live,
>and how they could behave,
>while meting out draconian punishments on members who disobeyed.
<g-g-goys, isn't participating in a retardical political group just a lifestylism h-haha?…

They should've been shot, all of them. Mautists are now cringe even in this regard too, wtf


>vanguardoids suddenly """found out""" they were in an ML cult
gee, who could've seen this coming lol

every couple of years somewhere out there an ex-trot/mautist/hoxaist/etc writes another "I was in a cult" blogpost


>Some former members, however, have dropped off the political map. Many are women, said the former associate who’d written for the Red Guards’ news site.

>“Basically all women that I knew from those times, regardless of which [front] group they were in, they’ve pretty much all gone no-contact,” she said.

>“They’ve shut off their email. They’re not reachable.

What is the explanation?

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