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Is trying to educate 4chans /ck/ board on leftism praxis?


Nah it's botted everywhere on there. Like if the jannies catch you doing it they'll usually ban you for a while, and invariably deploy the bots for the next month to bring things back to /pol/ levels.
t. used to use /g/


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>go on 4chinz
>see this ad
yeah, if feds are directly advertising there, it's gotta be heavily compromised.


… is this legit?


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>under 25

Im sorry but 25 is not the new 18.

"Brain development" is mainly a halfassed myth


imagine being 18 and having the paperwork or financial independence to ruin your life by joining the military. 25 is the new move out age.


then what differemce does it make?
Its delaying the inevitable.

By extending socio-legal dependency, youre sabotaging the young.

Youre just allowing arrested development.


But again, what 18 year old has their paperwork in order to make life ruining legal decisions like that? Arrested development is the material condition, acknowledging this isn't a condonation.


alot of brown kids from lower class families do.

Also, arrested developmemt is not just a material condition its also a spiritual one.

Ypur argument is to abolish autonony for youth over one disquieting likelihood.

This is exactly why America suffers from excessive liability laws.

God forbid a child/young adult gets a boo-boo.


>alot of brown kids from lower class families do.
Huh, I grew in a lower class family, seems like the play parents pull is toiuse their kids paperwork as a leash like mine did. If the kid runs off instead of being a maid/butler, they're an undocumented body, basically an outlaw.
>its also a spiritual one.
I personally think to take the spiritual seriously, you can't make a hard line between it and the material.
That said, 99% of the population is gonna turn to some cucked abrahamic religion before even touching a candle, herb or tarot card. That deosn't presently seem a solvable front.
>Ypur argument is to abolish autonony for youth over one disquieting likelihood.
I made no assertion one way or the other. Most of them already have had their autonomy taken away, and it's not mahing the problem worse to acknowledge that, it's a matter of what to do about that.
>God forbid a child/young adult gets a boo-boo.
…for a country that has no need compensate them for that, when they could act in their own interests instead. Oil will get extracted one way or the other, palestinian orphans will get acked one way or another, and there no limited supply of redditors willing to be canon fodder.


The tyranny of low standards is exacerbating problem.

If people don't rise to a standard, they should be restricted or punished - not given a free pass out of faggy sense of obligation to niceness

This really is the inherent problem with leftism.

You naive fags want to do things that sound nice, not what works.


> If the kid runs off instead of being a maid/butler, they're an undocumented body, basically an outlaw
And yet, your solution is even more intricate regulations, not less

I swear, leftism is just the political expression of spiritual faggotry

>candles tarot cards

You somehow expect anyone to take you seriously

I believe you when you say arrested development is a problem. You're obviously suffering from it. But you're simply not equipped to offer a solution


>The tyranny of low standards is exacerbating problem.
Most literate twitterite
>If people don't rise to a standard, they should be restricted or punished
>le gubbermint should substitute personal responsibility
Or teach people how to create concrete goals and provide the tools necessary persue those. Aimless people have no need for standards at all, they aren't really alive at all.
>spiritual faggotry
>let le heckin wholesome hippie on a popcicle stick into your 'heart' :)))
>And yet, your solution
what solution? I didn't purpose one. You just conceeded there is a problem to be solved, as I merely insisted so.
>And yet, your solution is even more intricate regulations, not less
<candles tarot cards
>You somehow expect anyone to take you seriously
You brought up spirituality. If you want to take spirituality seriously, that's what it looks like. Going to watch ads, donate to israel and eat bland macaroni at a christian church while exclaiming yourself to be cattle isn't serious. Either put on the moose skull and start stabbing shit or stop pretending spirituality is a serious factor.
>I believe you when you say arrested development is a problem.
You brought it up.
>You're obviously suffering from it.
Already moved out years ago.
>But you're simply not equipped to offer a solution
Because it's a symptom of other, more important things. Fix the cause or don't pretend you can fix the symptom.

Are you sober rn?


You don't prevent colds by eradicating the cold virus, or ensuring you are never ever exposed.

You prevent them by developing a strong immune system.

I wouldn't expect you to understand that, anon.

Carry on with being a reddit tier faggot with your tarot cards and whatnot.


Doing that is how you eliminate the cold, because that's how that specific problem works. Understanding the mechanics and causes of the problem at hand is essential to solving any problem.

What is your hang up here? That I have shot down your magical thinking and government worship? That I tell you that no amount of punishment will prevent you from needing to take personal responsibility and have concrete goals? That I lay before you the bare bones logic that a problem must be identified in the first place to be proactivly dealt with, or else it wouldn't even be a consideration to factor into your actions? Why did this need to be explained to you?


Damn. If it's so easy (to eradicate the cold by eliminating the virus which causes it), why hasn't anyone done that?

You really are a retarded reddit tier faggot who substitutes practical knowledge, experience, and common sense with bookish and useless information.

This is why leftists are typically defunct people with terrible physiognomy, who often can't get laid to save their lives. It's why leftists are faggots who where masks and douse themselves with hand sanitizer, while still catching a cold every other month.

This is why in communist countries, insofar as they are successful, the leftists always get purged. It's the only way a people can thrive or a stable state of affairs can continue.

This is why leftists are only found in desk jobs (where risk isn't a thing) or low tier service jobs (where competence isn't a thing).


>substitutes practical knowledge, experience, and common sense with bookish and useless information.
Oh, you're reading the wikipedia page for anti-intellectualism. So you're just doing a bit where you pretend to be an NPC.
You should've saved that reveal for the end because I absolutely thought you were serious and was fully falling for the bait, having typed up like 3 paragraphs before reading that. lol I know, pause/play commentary is peak pseud, I'll admit it


<Me talking about the importance of discourse and knowledge that is practical - i.e, grounded in practice to reasonably accomplish a desired end.
>You talking about websites, internet memes, and using zoomer newspeak.


The bit is over. Anyone who isn't a characature understands the importance of theory/praxis balance.



Its millennial newspeak,dumbass

Anything that zoomers use was made by millennials


>waaahhh muh leftists

Is this the same guy?

Not everything wrong in society is because of leftism


Either way, I don't speak faggot


The problem is the parental philosophy of "YOUTH IS INNOCENCE".

Virtually all adults regardless of political inclination, fancies children as pets, alter egos of their elders.

They think kids developing precocious/worldly instincts is corruption.

Kids are smothered with innocence/euphemism/idealism.

Theyre punished for cyncicism.

Then when kids come of age, theyre suddenly thrown out into the real world cold turkey and called dumb/lazy for not magically figuring out adult things

Age numbers are not persobality traits and maturoty isnt naturally progressive nor permanent.

Kids need worldly-awareness.

Kids whom desire sorldly things should be trained to attain said things in constructive manner, not be patholigized.

Maturity cannot grow if innocence is maintained.


Is it the mods that do the botting or the feds and fed adjacent NGOs?


Both, and there's overlap. They even got the actual feds to take modding /b/ because supposedly they were overwhealmed with cp. If they can just summon the feds like that then no doubt they do it for other boards too.


Source on /b/ having feds modding it?


I'll look around on desuarchive because I saw an image with some links in it on /g/ during the brief time I used it for keyboard shopping advice, I shoud've save it but I didn't think I'd need it.


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>>150869 {me}
Oh this seems less credible than I remember.

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