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>US Military Damage Control

After years of pissing off people who may have considered enlisting, and instead opting to become a temp work agency for BIPOC lesbian single mothers, the US military is now finding it difficult to recruit.

Reality is often more entertaining than fiction:


Nah they're doing fine recruiting, the ethics commitee probably said they aren't allowed to use sentient life as pure canon fodder so they're looking for long covoids since they lost their souls, and if they stuff them into the trebuthet before they grow a new soul then the ethics commitee can't say shit.


Demented fanfic and being divorced from reality is the subjective basis of the leftist in 2023


>You WILL inhale the particles
>You WILL drop below 2 digit autism score
>You WILL watch the news LIVE
>And you WILL be happy


The leftist went from having intellectual revolutionaries like Lenin to being staffed by neck beard redditors


This mentality is just boomers failing to realize that material conditions have changed and people have changed. Communication has changed. The way we socialize has changed. The way men approach women has changed.

What you want is for people to push the envelope. But what is happening is that people are learning from the past and implementing those concepts (in whichever field, pick any) as they see them. Which is not going to be as impactful as doing it for the first time.

So you (thinking magically) want young people to really overthrow the government, but you haven't given them the tools to do so. And yet you expect them to invent such tools to combat all of civilization (which you helped build btw). But then anything young people do is shut down anyways, either by old fucks or the state via propaganda.


>So you (thinking magically) want young people to really overthrow the government, but you haven't given them the tools to do so. And yet you expect them to invent such tools to combat all of civilization (which you helped build btw). But then anything young people do is shut down anyways, either by old fucks or the state via propaganda.

This is very true.

Elders tell the young to change tge world. Yet when young peooke do so theyre accuses of being narcisstic.

Yet if young people dont change the world theyre accused of being weak/lazy


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This does not end well for the US


Everyone thinks these sluts are so hot, but, they are over rated.
Also imagine spending 10,000 dollars on designer garbage.


Its so much worse because she's a brokie who has to do that to live. She could be investing. Literally just put it in a savings account. Costs of living are totally covered in the miliary. She has no fucking excuse. When she gets out she will have nothing1!!!


She bought that shit at a knockoff market in the Philippines. $350 for all tops


>instead opting to become a temp work agency for BIPOC lesbian single mothers
>over 70k for college
>guaranteed job of your choice!
are straight up lies


No, that's all true. Post 9/11 GI bill pays full tuition at public universities and gives you a stipend so you don't have to work while you study. And yes, you do get a guaranteed job of your choice if you make the standards for it. The recruiter isn't lying about that.


The proles are the real bourgeoise all along


>woman moment
Look, she is attractive, even if she makes bad financial decisions. No, you're not making up with it with your sour grapes personality.


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>Go from a Chad lite to a dumpy bleach bottle
For what reason?


Mind altering parasites probably


he looks better as a man and I say that as a straight man


Its not gay to admit another guy is good looking.
Women complimemt each others looks without any sexual intent.

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