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>What is going on with Argentinoids?


I will tell you exactly what happened, previous administrations were so incompetent that the people were desperate enough to vote for a clown that unironically talks about having big dick energy as if it were a factual thing. Argentina is currently sitting at a 140% inflation rate year-over-year. Honestly, I can understand it. It's the same reason people voted for Trump. Do I think he's going to be able to pull anything off? No. He's a fucking idiot and probably more incompetent than Trump himself, as his simps always are.


>that dude with 'nothing happens' shirt


Tldr: 'center left' liberals are incompetent


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y would workers want to descend to a lower form of production?


Go back


Lol this is the exact same thing Thatcher/Yeltsin said when they privatised the state-owned corporations in the 80/90s.

And now 99% of those shares are in the hands of investment bankers, oligarchs and arab oil barons. Certainly not the workers who had to sell their shares when they were made jobless because of the same 'shock therapy' policies Milei is about to unleash on Argentina.


You realize this is the exact same scheme in post-soviet nations, right? The workers never end up with shit because they have their share of the company bought out for next to nothing.


You're right comrade. Things would be better if the Argentinian state continued to pile up debt while normal people experienced triple digit inflation each year. The Argentinian state should definitely continue to run a substandard airline at a loss. God knows that by handing it over to the workers themselves, they won't be able to do much better

I swear to God you fags are retarded. On top of that, you're retards who simply defend the status quo, more of the same milquetoast hermaphrodite cultural leftism


>The Argentinian state should definitely continue to run a substandard airline at a loss.
A state has to run these things at a loss because if made public the company would go bust and be liquidated overnight. Then Argentina - a country highly reliant on domestic flights because of its large size - is left without a state airline due to the whims of the free market.
Are you retards incapable of comprehending anything other than "line go up=good".
>On top of that, you're retards who simply defend the status quo, more of the same milquetoast hermaphrodite cultural leftism
The status quo is preferable to "anarcho-capitalism" and selling off your country to foreigners. Give me a single example of where anarchism or neoliberal shock therapy has resulted in better conditions for workers. I'm waiting.


The airline was only nationalized in 2008/9.

Now people can't afford to buy clothes.

Your ghey tepid scheme was tried. Didn't work - made people's lives worse

>Status quo better than new president

Spoken like a true NEET with a performative leftism complex


>The airline was only nationalized in 2008/9
Thanks for proving my point by forcing me to read their wiki page.
Aerolíneas Argentinas was nationalised because the foreign capitalists who were running it beforehand (American Airlines in this case) had driven the airline into bankruptcy - with only 10% of international flights operating in the period before nationalisation. The capitalists had managed to rack up a $15m debt witn their fuel supplier, grounding most of the fleet.
The Argentine government was really left with no choice other than immediate nationalisation by the sound of it.
>Your ghey tepid scheme was tried. Didn't work - made people's lives worse
The airline had actually always been state owned since it's creation in 1950, with privatisation only lasting about 15 years from 1990. If anything privatisation was the experiment which failed, with the nationalisation being forced on the government in order to save the jobs of the airline's workers.


Fair enough. Peronism is based


Worker owned co-ops = ancap privatization

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