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I have been doing meatless mondays and, as a meat eater, I am sorry, but, this shit actually tastes way better and is way more healthy for you than real meat and you can't convince me otherwise.


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I couldn't enjoy eating this, because i would be too annoyed at their contradictory naming scheme. It appears they made some kind of plant-protein paste. Why do they have to call it not-beef. Why can't product names just reference what it is and how it's made.

Also i wouldn't believe the health claims without proofs.


It has less calories and less fats, and as much protein as much. Also it's infused with b12. It is fact if you understand dietary health.

Also this is dumb. It's supposed to be a meat replacement for vegetarians and vegans and people trying to reduce meat consumption, so, that's what it is being labeled as. It's just catchy marketing.


>It's just catchy marketing.
well that'sithe issue, people are very averse to anything that feels like marketing because they're hyperaware of consumerism.
Once a company decides to sell this stuff as though it's it's own thing in plain packaging it'll probably catch on more.


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I live off supplements.
poverty soylent.


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>It has less calories and less fats, and as much protein as much. Also it's infused with b12. It is fact if you understand dietary health.
If you understand dietary health then you would know fat is not necessarily bad and not all sources of protein is equal. Beef has far more nutritional value than the chemical shitstorm that makes up a soy burger.

>catchy marketing
Marketing is all they've got. Convincing superstitious plebs that eating industrial waste masquerading as food will somehow change the weather and make them a virtuous person.

Even with the propaganda they struggle to sell vegan food though. Because it is objectively not a good product. It is very cheap to produce and very high profit margins. It is corporate greed. And leftists fall for it the hardest.


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>convincing plebs to eat industrial waste
Reminder that due to tap water fluoridation it's practically impossible to avoid food in the US that doesn't contain hexafluorosilicic acid, a byproduct of industrial phosphate fertilizer production.


I never said all fat is bad, but, much of the fat you need you can get from literally, at one, one teaspoon of the oil you douse your fat ass food in, cuck. anything else is excess which is a point you retards leave out because this is inconvenient to your ideology.

What chemicals are in Impossible meat? Keep sucking the cock of the meat industry.

>Even with the propaganda they struggle to sell vegan food though.

<Propoganda is not killing animals and totally not the multi billion dollar animal ag industry that is destroying the entire plantet, but, no it's the people not doing that that are "evil"


Very cool, anon. I'm glad you found something you like. I'm still not going to pick it over real meat. Come to think of it, even if I were vegan, I'd probably hunt just for entertainment.


I mean I try and reduce because there's situations where I can see eating meat is alright; Like if some one is going to throw away perfectly good food like pizza or something from work then I would take it home and eat it later. Or, yeah, hunting is kind of necessary for controlling populations of animals and their influence on our society. But as far as consumer choices I prefer not to support animal agriculture.

I know there's no ethical consumption under capitalism, etc etc. But I still think we can utilize our market choices to influence society to some degree.


What if I told you that all agriculture is animal agriculture?


So what?


Ergo, this burger is also based on animal agriculture.


Well good thing "soil" is not what people mean when they say "Animal agriculture" Does it make you feel smart to use semantics to justify being an idiot?


>Does it make you feel smart to use semantics to justify being an idiot?
That's every single discussion here


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>anything else is excess which is a point you retards leave out because this is inconvenient to your ideology.
That's not true you need animal fats to absorb certain nutrients. It is the sugar industry that told you eating fat will make you fat and clearly it worked because people are simple like that.

><Propoganda is not killing animals and totally not the multi billion dollar animal ag industry that is destroying the entire plantet, but, no it's the people not doing that that are "evil"

I didn't say you are evil I said you've been tricked into spending more money on a worse product because you are so desperate to be perceived as a "virtuous" person who is helping to save the planet.

I assume he means that all forms of agriculture include animals at some point in their supply chains, at the very least out of efficiency if not necessity.

50% of marxism is word games the other 50% is denying reality


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>You need animal fats
Sure bro


Soil isn't the only thing used in agriculture. Animals are and will always be involved in the supply chain. The only form of non-animal agriculture is old-school subsistence farming without industrialization. Unless you're willing to do that, you're engaging in animal agriculture, even if you yourself are not consuming animal tissue.


>you don't need meat just look at this malnourished guy
Abs on a skinny guy are like boobs on a fat girl. They don't count.

It's a dangerous thread to pull in general because just like the green energy stuff the only way to go backwards on the technology scale is to go backwards on the population scale too. And as always the true believes think they'll be spared for some reason.


>t. burger with a warped understanding of what a normal body looks like
Sorry lardass. 20% bodyfat is not normal or healthy


>20% bodyfat is not normal
That's literally at the low end of healthy body fat for women and just slightly out of the top end for men.


What nutrients do you need animal fat for?

>I didn't say you are evil I said you've been tricked into spending more money on a worse product because you are so desperate to be perceived as a "virtuous" person who is helping to save the planet.

What is "worse" is completely subjective. I think it tastes better. It has lower calories and gives you everything normal meat products give you so to me that is a lot better that having to abuse animals to get your dopamine fix. I never said I was saving the planet. Of course capitalism is the root cause for global warming, which is very real, but, individual a ts can have an effect and even in a Marxist utopia meat consumption will not be feasible to maintain society. Wether you want to deny reality or not is on you


>It is fact if you understand dietary health.
<just talks about energy and macros, and b12 supplement
You clearly don't know the fundamentals.
I'm not even disputing the claim of 'healthiness' (protip: literally subjective, whether something is healthy depends on the subject). What you said is so ignorant of a basic approach to dietary health that all we can do is ask you to read or laugh if you don't.


As has been previously stated ITT: Good for you. Your subjective opinion is that it's a superior product. The fact is that this product costs twice as much as lean beef/pound, and thus it needs twice as good as regular beef. Is it? That's up to you to decide. I have decided that it is not, as have other anons here.

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