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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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Any time someone brings up male alienation on .ogre's siberia or talks about hypergamy even if they're not blaming women or hating women and not posting blackpill shit, the post is immediately mocked and the mods instadelete the post and call you an incel or a nazi. Why? For what purpose? If the person isn't being misogynistic, then why delete the post?


Because orgfags have a femdom fetish transmuted into fake and ghey performative politics


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we should do the same here. it's like troonspam threads. "Why do you hate trans people?" tier shit.


No it isn't.


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what an insightful response. truly another example of the value added to the board from troony nig 9cel immigrants


I'm busy right now, but I'll try to remember to post more shit about tr00ns later just because you're crying about it.

Thanks orgfag comrade!


she is right though



I've got a 9oclock and a 12 oclock and 30 seconds to post about transhumanists on leftychan!


They simp for young adult women.
They assume that "woman" means "beautiful adukt female under forty years old."


From: https://7chan.org/rnb/res/24973.html#i24973

When men refer to WOMEN, the general image is an anthropoid female in their teens, twenties, and thirties.
Never ever EVER do you see men consciously acknowledge female elders

When female elders are mentioned, it's usually a different term and sentiment.

Chivalry is HEBEPHILIC.
The rules and regulations of handling women, aka chivalry?
It's more akin to handling a child.
The stuff men are told to do for women that's only appropriate to do if she's a child, elderly, or disabled. Able-bodied adult females don't need that.
Yet, they're smothered and guilt tripped into it.

Men are pathologically incapable of seeing women as independent beings, hence why older, worldly, cynical women are seen as a threat.

In fiction, most of the villainesses are often middle-aged/elderly women: evil stepmoms/aunts, ball busting Karen's, etc

Benign older women are either sailor-mouth grandmas, awkward helicopter moms, senile cronies, etc.

Younger women on the hand, are always portrayed in a positive light.
Most Mary Sues are young adult females, max age of thirty-five.
They're always portrayed as maternal fountains of wisdom, straight A students with martial arts awards, perfect at cooking, etc.


go back, troon

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