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/b/ - Siberia

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File: 1701445040719.png ( 1.01 MB , 1194x852 , 1701444887251834.png )


Why were the Soviets so antisemitic?


they were against all religions


What even is the context of this image? Keep in mind the USSR wasn't even established as a country during the progrums.


It was still the Bolsheviks
They didn't genocide Christians


Stalin purged most of the Jews from the Bolshevik ranks during the 30s


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lol ok. if just getting purged means you're a jew. purging someone who happens to have one Jewish grandparent or less doesn't mean "le jews were persecuted" just as Nazi Germany couldn't reasonably be considered a Jewish state.


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That's obviously a whitoid cartoon. Nationalist spergs had gone completely insane when they got btfod by a bunch of rootless jews and georgians lol.

I still get a laugh out of how they portrayed Trot as Mephistopheles lol.

Tho as SU degraded there was more antisemitism, and obviously marasmic Stalinoid tried using it for his purges.


>All the Jews got purged.
>Oh so you think because all the Jews are gone it was because they were Jewish!
Tankie logic.


Actually just common sense


They had it coming.


Every Jew is a potential Zionist


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Germany is making antisemitism cool again, this time inadvertently

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