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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
Tor Only

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File: 1701596271056.jpg ( 60.9 KB , 564x564 , her.jpg )


every post on this /b/ board is about politics.
Are leftists incapable of talking about anything else?


File: 1701600753222.jpg ( 277.61 KB , 1108x1154 , konata-good-job.jpg )

We'll eventually tie politics to completely unrelated shit.




They don't look old enough


File: 1701614770844.png ( 63.36 KB , 920x1190 , konata-reacting.png )

They aren't supposed to




Is everything on this site contantly whining about leftists?

You complain about leftists not talking about serious world issues but now this?


File: 1701694727689.mp4 ( 7.43 MB , 854x480 , holocaust-didnt-happen-fr.mp4 )

Anyone wanna discuss music instead?


This site has become a place to discuss leftism

If you want a censorious echobox of
literal faggots clapping like seals, go to .org


Oh look, another faggot who complains about the content on .net yet doesn't fix the problem by posting the things they think should be on the site




The whole site politically tinged, people just post on /b/ to not shit up the other boards


File: 1703778853429.png ( 24.67 KB , 117x125 , 1700169388219431.png )

What are you talking about I talk about uyghurs all the time?

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