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File: 1701698564327.jpg ( 343.21 KB , 1049x1561 , Screenshot_2023-12-04-20-4….jpg )


95% of Venezuelans or at least the 80% which haven't fled the country in the past 10 years voted wink wink to invade Guyana.

As much as I think Madura is a fag and the 'Venezuelan Revolution' was a cash grab by corrupt yes men bureaucrats, I support telling the UN and Amerikwa to fuck off.


File: 1701713348320.jpg ( 76.71 KB , 1024x768 , FrGuianaGuyanaSuriPolitica….jpg )

These three countries are the fakest shit imaginable. Literally the baltics of south ameria, meme-tier countries.

You know 30% of the population of Suriname are Indian? What the fuck are they doing there? Why don't they go home, do they not know planes exist? What is going on???


True. They are literal who countries. The only reason anyone knows Guyana is a place is because of Comrade Jones


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Funnily enough, a large part of the reason why the Guyanan government allowed comrade jones and crew to settle in Guyana was to act as human shields against the Venezuelans. Having a bunch of US citizens on the border was as an excellent deterrent against Venezuelan military operations in the area.


In South America we don't even talk about these countries when talking of South America in general. Even Uruguay is more recognizable than fucking Suriname. The only thing we know about these countries is what comrade Jim Jones did and that's all.


>Suriname is 30% Indian
Don't forget the sizable Javanese population there


I don't think forcefully annexing a neighboring country is "telling Amerikkka to fuck off", It's still forcefully annexing a neighboring country.


>I support telling the UN and Amerikwa to fuck off.
Desert Storm II electric boogaloo coming soon.

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