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Did all the troon shit begin with pic related?


Why are you so fucking obsessed with troons you fucking freak, christ.



Have ever been out and about and seen a dead dog on the road, rotting away, pieces of flesh hanging about, flies, maggots etc.

It's disgusting, but morbid curiousity takes over and you can't help looking.

It's a bit like that


millennial/gen x reactionaries are funny. They think human history began in their prime years.

No, hyppereality did not create troon fever.



Troons are merely a symptom of wider decadence in late stage capitalism


is that fortnite?


It began with rise of autism rates, tumblr and autism friendly communities, and the popularity of anime.
It's a social contagion, not an authentic expression of dysphoria.


>anime is the problem

wrong answer try again


t. autist


>anyone whom likes anime is an autist

Ironic because anime is enjoyed by neurotypicals as well. Irony is, anti-anime sentiment is more an autistic reaction.


>Did all the troon shit begin with pic related?
The fuck are you on retard?


I have no idea what that is or care why transhumanists exist.

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