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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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Wasn't my thread, but a thread on .ogres siberia was just locked because it pointed out that a lot of nazis are coming out as transgenders. Why?


Isn't it common place for Nazis to be troons? They're just fags oo. The only thing is leftists can be fags and not be at odds ideologically.


It isn't that surprising considering you also have "satanist nazi femboy siegefags". Those types tend to be into other fucked shit like sadism, cp, beastiality, etc. They don't tend to actually believe what they're saying most of the time, they'll label themselves whatever gets a rise out of people.


wrong troon ideology is a form of idealism and at odds with scientific socialism


Not wrong at all and you are a dumb emotional mouth breathing uyghur lover. Anyone in the working class is working class. It's tautological and you lack the autism score to understand this. You are blinded by your incel rage.


Because even ograrians know that 1) reactoids are always s/m homofaggots with parent-authority issues and 2) you're fucking retarded if you think that being a transhumanist means that you're a nutsoy.

Go back.

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