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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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Life doesn't matter anymore and it has become very obvious everywhere you go.
You can feel it when you are out in public, no one gives a fuck about anything anymore. Even normies are blackpilled husks now.


Life does matter but not the way we have been taught.

Idealism makes things much harder than it should be.

This is why I say we need to promote realism amd cynicism to children.

Sheltering them with innocence is why they grow up into passive drones.



Objectively, life doesn't matter. Having the belief that there is some meaning to this world is just cope people use to get through the day. There's nothing wrong with finding "personal meaning" But, you have to accept that it is very, obviously, clear that life doesn't matter and the universe, actually, appears to be hostile to our existence.


This post inspiring me to rape some hookers.

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