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/b/ - Siberia

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File: 1706706718204.png ( 648.42 KB , 878x1239 , patlabor x dominion.png )


Why is it that "huge" games in the 90s and 00s managed to build communities that stuck with the game for ages? Hell, there are so many games of that time that still get played and discussed to this day. These days games blow up out of nowhere, get incredibly huge and then vanish a month later with very few exceptions. It feels like nothing has staying power anymore.


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The Marxist analysis of this phenomena would lead you to the fact that capitalism has shifted away from production of commodities, really, to the generation of financial capital over all else. That's why video games today genuinely do suck because they all want to be ark, or, fortnight clones rather than be impactful and deep and have staying power like something like Nier.

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