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Hello anon.

I've recently discovered a little known thing called the 'Sinaiticus Codex' which is written in an ancient cyrillic text called Septiugant Greek, this is the original Bible that I believe should be followed.

As we all know, it says do not add or remove from any parts of the Bible despite it changing over the course of thousands of years.

Following on from the change in course it appears there is always a Great War or Tragedy which happens around the time it is re-written and from that point on the newer version is upheld.

This ponders the question as to what exactly are they distracting from?

Here's one possibility I discovered.
If you go onto certain Jewish and Turkish online retailers they do not appear to stock seed oils, mushrooms or coffee, in fact not even their snacks contain anything like additives.

Sadly, the original part of the Genesis has appeared to have been burnt or destroyed so we do not know if there is anything like this that is forbidden to eat or bad for us to eat, how do they know not to eat it?

Surely seeds are for birds and should only be eaten by them, our body does not digest them correctly so why are all western snacks filled with it?

Interestingly enough this would've likely been the two closest origin areas as to where the Holy Book would've been destroyed and possibly even tampered with.
Do they know something we don't?

Funnily enough all the warmongering and other things which are used to dissuade people from the Bible are not in the original.

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