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In order for a country to sustain its population, you need a fertility rate of around 2.1 per female citizen. Lower than that, and the population enters a decline as deaths exceed births. In the long run this can mean a shrinking economy as there are fewer working-age citizens to generate wealth.

Currently every European country is in decline - France, the most fertile country, only had a rate of 1.8. Japan and China are also experiencing similar problems.

With this in mind, what are some causes of diminishing fertility and how can the governments of modern nation-states rectify or compensate for them to reach a fertility or at least 2.1?


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>how can the governments of modern nation-states rectify or compensate for them to reach a fertility or at least 2.1?



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explain to me why we should sustain our population without sounding like a capitalist cocksucker OP

fuck your "wealth" breeder faggot


>what are some causes of diminishing fertility
social progress


why should we sustain fertility rates?

Kids are seen as liabilities.

Adults only want to lock them away from reality until their twenties and let them loose dazed and confused with no home training.


I mean, I wont say we need to sustain our global population, but, I think people should be able to have kids if they want.


>I think people should be able to have kids if they want.
And I think people can think whatever the fuck they want.

Doesn't mean anybody owes them shit.

Preferential treatment for fucking breeders in RES soycieties was a symptom of a massive socio-economic-ideological-existensial crisis (grasping for extensive growth because intensive growth requires revolution).

No wonder you red-brownoid bluepilled cucks want a return to this shit lol.


>grasping for extensive growth because intensive growth requires revolution
ie the breeder rationale is always an economic one

in RES case it was a conscious attempt by a conservative decaying system to alleviate its economic problems by means of exploiting new generations


Then you should allow teens to have sex. After all, by right ypur teens and early twenties is the time to procreate. Having kids after thirty raises risk of hereditary defects




>Much of the planet is swimming in discarded plastic, which is harming animal and possibly human health. Once at sea, sunlight, wind, and wave action break down plastic waste into small particles: the microplastics (MPs). Currently, particular attention has been drawn to their effects on aquatic environments but the health risks, especially in mammals, are poorly known. These non-biodegradable materials can act as a vector for environmental pollutants, can be ingested by humans in food and water, and can enter and accumulate in human tissues with a possible risk for heath. Recent studies revealed the deleterious effects of MPs exposure in male reproduction and sperm quality, making them a potential hazard to reproductive success. This manuscript summarizes the main changes in sperm quality along the lifespan and the upcoming studies on the effects of MPs in male fertility in mammals.


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>git buck meeh muhr slaaaves yi sentees


You're not dying out you spooked faggot, on the contrary, you were forcefully bred TOO fucking much for too fucking long already, & only because of your masters' need to get more & more economic agents to exploit their surplus product out. Read sum fucking Marx you fuck.


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>Read sum fucking Marx you fuck.
>you were forcefully bred TOO fucking much for too fucking long already
peak faggot retard kek


>With this in mind, what are some causes of diminishing fertility and how can the governments of modern nation-states rectify or compensate for them to reach a fertility or at least 2.1?



>>what are some causes of diminishing fertility
>social progress


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lol so what we all have to fag out like you? that's your solution? fag out and kill normies lol. If I can't win a revolutionary armed conflict, I will take solace in exterminating as many Nazi vermin as I can. Plinking you like hogs at night with my AGM


That's a cope.


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Take your meds.


kek. Stop obsessing you fucktarded autist.

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