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How would it look? How prevalent would it be in response to a WWIII type of scenario? How about a major attack on the U.S? Invasion?

Some places I came across said we had over 3.5MM military personnel in 1968. Post-9/11 we didn't see a major increase in levels, levels have kept a little above or below 400k since then.

Ukraine does not appear to be as technologically advanced as the U.S. BBC reports say the draft process still uses physical papers instead of a centralized database. 2:50 mark. Would the U.S., having an essentially digital tracking capability on every citizen, be more successful in getting folks to appear for service if drafted? Would there be vans pulling people off the streets, or would people simply be arrested for draft dodging?


The Bolsheviks were very good at compelling people to fight for them.


don't dodge just go in and frag your enemy


>Would the U.S., having an essentially digital tracking capability on every citizen, be more successful in getting folks to appear for service if drafted?

I don't think so, but I could be wrong.
Ukraine, as far as I know, for all the CIA meddling and what-have-you, has a genuinely popular nationalist anti-Russian sentiment which only increased over the course of the conflict and after the 2022 invasion. The US has worn that down with a long series of frivolous, counter-productive foreign invasions; forget compelling Americans to serve when they don't want to, getting government workers to effectively enforce the draft itself might be an uphill battle. I'm not sure at this point whether computerizing it would make that much of a difference.

>Would there be vans pulling people off the streets, or would people simply be arrested for draft dodging?

Mostly the latter, I'd guess… that's how the US used to do it, I think, though I don't know.

>2:50 mark.

But anon this is a 28 second clip of a duck who thinks he's a dog.


Did soldiers really frag officers in Vietnam?


>has a genuinely popular nationalist anti-Russian sentiment which only increased over the course of the conflict and after the 2022 invasion


Well it appears to be the case. They were difficult for a really big chunk of their time in the USSR, they voted out when they got a real chance, and the Euromaidan shit had a lot of people involved. The US was pulling shit, but also Yanukovich was genuinely unpopular. They have a long history of seeing Russia as their region's oppressor.


>How would modern draft dodging look in the U.S.
I believe, alongside mass worker direct actions at home, a culture of resistance within the military was critical in stopping the Vietnam invasion. This culture even including normalized fragging to the point where a documented or suspected incident occurred every two days.

Fill the army with the people, and particularly the people who don't want to fight.


Also, to actually address OP:
>Some places I came across said we had over 3.5MM military personnel in 1968. Post-9/11 we didn't see a major increase in levels, levels have kept a little above or below 400k since then.
My understanding is USA fights proxy wars where possible.

How many US soldiers have died in Ukraine? Wikipedia currently lists 'under 50.[1]

You actually don't need to send your own citizens and military to the slaughter if you are an imperial power. And China is the US's biggest threat, so they still want to show an ability to punish dissenting nations using Ukraine (after their failure in Afghanistan, Russia is an important showcase of NATO's enforcement power, which would make it a devastating battle to lose) to chill the Asia-Pacific. But the US can keep their military and citizenry available for fighting China.

But, in a situation where they're fighting China, I don't see their current military being nearly sufficient and militarizing a proxy nation probably wouldn't be enough, so a draft is a real potential outcome if the war doesn't stay cold. In an ideal world, we could just get all the nationalist sinophobic scum to volunteer and get them purged first. But I don't think the facade of freedom in the US could handle regular civilians being blackvanned, that's too blatant and over the line for The Land of the Free until it's in existential crisis.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Americans_killed_during_the_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine


maybe. republicans definitely arent the most anti-NATO force out there, but they probably think the interventions in eastern europe have been played out, and would rather focus on the browns and yellows in the middle east and china instead.


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>Ukraine, as far as I know, for all the CIA meddling and what-have-you, has a genuinely popular nationalist anti-Russian sentiment
Only a r*ϟϟoid chauvinist could say shit like this to justify the neverending terror campaign against the local population which "historically never existed anyway".
Actual fucking Ukrainians in an actual fucking Ukraine despise the fucking whitoid decommuniZing mercenary invaders in a huge part because of it giving their local nazoid bastards the best political reputation they could've ever dreamed of.
Make a fucking ropeflip, faggot.

>They were difficult for a really big chunk of their time in the USSR

<<<faggot literally pulled a fascist nazoid inherent quality/collective punishment talking point about a whole fucking population to denigrate & justify all that is done to them like a good red-painted nutsoy that he is
<<<nevermind the fact that survivors of this regime of total freedom & democracy in Ukraine even now can only lament how good it was while the soviet regime lasted, with its @ least formal repression of national chauvinism & investments into public sphere

>Euromaidan shit had a lot of people involved

<<<~40k of purely rightoid cretines acting on the direct orders of the local pro-western part of elites in the center of Kyiv only is "a lot of people" = all of dirty hohols should be bombed to hell for existing & making poor poor pidorushkan financial capital cry
2nd wall, faggot.

>They have a long history of seeing Russia as their region's oppressor.

<<<r*ϟϟoid empire & its fascist defenders always called them "little r*ϟϟians" instead of Ukrainians
<<<& they do this right now in the full-blown "all-or-nothing" mode
That's a DoS. Congrats mr. leftoid.

Holy fucking shit was Lenin soft on your fucking kind.


Working hard?


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I’m 28 and I’d rather go to jail. I’m not dying for this country, nor will I fight for these stupid politicians who could care less about the lower class. There is no middle class anymore. They don’t give a fuck about us idk how clear they need to make it. But expect me to put my life on the line? I’ll fight for my family. That’s it.

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