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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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File: 1714734758279.jpg ( 115.16 KB , 945x2048 , GGy6sLuWsAA6jK9.jpg )


>goon battles
Can we leverage this for leftism somehow? Also isn't this a positive development since it's people sharing porn amongst each other instead of it being fed and dictated by the exploitive industry?


#wankchat #wankbattle


this whole op is so embarassing


>🔥🔥🔥 commie girls get me so hard
<Do you submit to superior communism?


Porn addiction isn't going to help our cause


fagcel jewish niggerino thread




File: 1714907499002.webm ( 3.77 MB , 1280x720 , pinky and the brain A85ep….webm )

This game unironically used the most fitting ending trope for the soviets, unlike the 2nd one: no capitali$t s*x in ussr (they don't have it), only the love of, & for the people.

ending in the 1st game is still more accurate
& that gal is СРПКИЊА anyway, tito gang will hang

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