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/b/ - Siberia

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After Joe embarrassed the U.S. in the withdrawal from Afghanistan, it sent the message of weakness to all the nations of the world. Now we see the Bear and the Dragon testing us. I fear they know there may never be a better time than now to go to war with the U.S., we're torn internally, an inept puppet at the helm. This could be getting serious.


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I was thinking that the US is using or perpetrating the genocide in Gaza to bring about a new war. It kind of seems to me like what's happening, while obviously super shitty in a direct sense, is also a taunt to the rest of the world saying "look what we can get away with". It looks like Iran might take the bait and attack Israel and then the US can jump in. There's other ways it could escalate though.


>After Joe embarrassed the U.S. in the withdrawal from Afghanistan
I was embarrassed that we were there to begin with, frankly.
What, were we going to keep sending soldiers to pay off local pedophiles for another 20 years so the Taliban didn't come back?
Between that, Ukraine (a disaster any way you slice it, but partly our fault), and the stuff the US gov't is presently doing in Taiwan, it really seems like Joe & Co. are on a suicide mission, yeah. Iran's been really careful so far, but we'll see.


Russia amd China have their own problems. Anything bad theyre doing, Americans have done the same.

Also, Biden, while incompetent, isnt the only one at fault.


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>a taunt to the rest of the world saying "look what we can get away with"
>What, were we going to keep sending soldiers to pay off local pedophiles for another 20 years so the Taliban didn't come back?
Do You See The Light


Russian invasion had nothing to do with Afghanistan, Crimea happened long before that.

Nobody is testing shit, all diplomatic solutions just ran out.

All this shit was predetermined long before any of you faggots were even born.


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>All this shit was predetermined long before any of you faggots were even born.
Even In This


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TCOAAL was a mistake.

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