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File: 1715201638665.jpg ( 404 KB , 819x819 , 167530993304153254.jpg )


So now that the 'socialism' fad is petering out, what will be the next outsider ideology to that captures the attention of disaffected western youth? Fifteen years ago it was 'libertarianism,' and fifteen years before that it was alter-globalization and anti-establishment anarchism.

What will the zoomers and their progeny believe in? Esoteric fascism, a resurgent Kaczynski-inspired primitivism, or some other as yet unimaginable set of principles?


Why wouldn't Communism win? Why won't class consciousness arise? Why would the working class not realize their class interests?

Unless you're saying you subscribe to Dugin's Fourth Political Theory where you are able to be neither a liberal, fascist, nor a communist, but something else?


petty bourgeois/middle class Democrat voter will be/do something something


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>Why wouldn't Communism win? Why won't class consciousness arise? Why would the working class not realize their class interests?


I think people are too morally obsessed with youth


What do you mean?


Adults are always trying to "figure out" kids.

Theyre always pathologising kids for the alightest difference in recreational practice.


People will want to grill but the worsening conditions will make it harder and harder. You can't vote blue forever…


False premise, dumb questions asked by man living under rock.

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