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/b/ - Siberia

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People have nothing left to believe in but the American dream . If they were to accept the reality of the fact that they will most likely never amount to anything significant or have enough money to have a decent life then a lot more people would self delete. The dream is dead and gone. I don't have any hope for this country anymore.


I believe there is some hope for the working class but these nonstop crises make it feel so hopeless. I hate these scripted street interviews.


The Amerian Dream was only meant for white GI soldiers coming home from World War 2


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I don't really think they even have that left to believe in. I think a great deal of Americans, probably most, possess no illusion about this. And a lot of people do off themselves.

You should come to terms with this lack of hope, this listlessness. Are you afraid of the release of death?

Collectively, there is something else, and it's not a dream, but rather a reality waiting to be built.


>If they were to accept the reality of the fact that they will most likely never amount to anything significant […] then a lot more people would self delete.
Th@'s wh@ u get 4 trying 2 cheap your way out on your existential questions. Th@'s why shitler & all his suppooooorters unalived in mass when their german dream shattered right b4 their milky eyes. Th@'s why many faggots in responsible positions choose to rather end their line whenever some heavy shit happens & they feel it's bigger than they can handle.
Ragequitting because of your internalized spooky ideology failing you is 4 weakminded shallow losers, no commie should ever behave like th@. margz or lemmin were the absolute opposites to this.

btw real ppl would bash this faggot 4 intermingling in their situation if th@ was any real, just a note 4 actual autists here.


Did you fucking have a stroke or something?

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