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Steal to read and acquire knowledge.


Corrective rape will teach you to stop stealing from the public. If you weren't a middle class kid pretending to be hard, a sad impotent little product of European sexual abuse culture, you would do that to the people who reproduce capitalist institutions.


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Theft is justified under the current economic order.
Just know your rights and know how many times before you get caught that you risk serious jail time.
Know how much you can steal before you face serious jail time in your state.
Know when to quit.

Piracy is always an option.


People who want to create institutions shoudl be immured in them.


what do you mean, anon? Elaborate.



The American school system is a great example.

Marx said that people would get tired on rich people using everyone and ruining everything. So, as people get more educated, they will not stand for exploitation and develop cooperative activities.

A hundred years ago, little kids were used as machines working in coal mines, factories, etc and they were dying, getting maimed, have no idea how to be a human, etc.

Then, almost all at once, people got tired of it and agreed kids need to have a less stressful life, are innocent, need a chance at education, success, etc AND society should collectively pay for it.

That's what Marx said would happen. There's no need for force.

Probably almost no one in the US is against communist free education for kids.

The idea is that the Industrial Revolution caused a perversion or society and that people will get tired of it and defeat by realizing what is going on.


Capitalism is itself a form of force and violence placed upon the workers. You're correct there is no need for violence or force, but, stealing and theft sure does save me money and make my life easier.


>Then, almost all at once, people got tired of it and agreed kids need to have a less stressful life, are innocent, need a chance at education, success, etc AND society should collectively pay for it.

Well, schools are now sourcesof stress.

Bullying, useless subjects, draconian rules, mass shootings.

Young people of the past six centuries spent more time in school than their ancestors.

And look what happened: zero job prospects, sexlessness, anxiety amd depression.


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>Soyos, is it okay 2 socialize what's been privatized in a system th@'s built on the principle "steal or be mugged yourself"?


Lumpen shit


>Steal to read and acquire knowledge.
Stealing physical books is wrong because trees are a scarce resource and the store owner sacrificed his own capital and labor to purchase that inventory.

There is no such thing as "intellectual property" though. Download as many PDFs as you want. Electrons are not a scarce resource and cannot be meaningfully "owned" by anyone.

>burning the factory down
And when the pinketons start cracking skulls you run to daddy government for muh rights again.

>Theft is justified under the current economic order.

It's easy to support theft when you have nothing to lose. It's as hypocritical as a man who supports rape or white upper class toffs who live in gated communities and support mass immigration.

>Then, almost all at once, people got tired of it and agreed kids need to have a less stressful life,
What happened was capitalism generated so much surplus wealth that people didn't need to send their children into factories anymore. In comparison child labor existed throughout the entire lifespan of the USSR.

>There's no need for force.

There is no way to enforce unpopular laws. Look at prohibition or the war on drugs. Child labor didn't stop because some politicians signed a bit of paper, child labor stopped when standard of living was high enough that child labor wasn't necessary anymore. And the countries who got their first were the most capitalist.

>Capitalism is itself a form of force and violence placed upon the workers.
Nobody is forcing you to be a worker you can quit anytime you want. There is nothing stopping you from being your own boss except your own cowardice and incompetence. Communists countries were the ones with gulags and barbed wire fences and secret police all to force people to work and stop them running away.

The correct way to privatize state assets is to divide them up based on the total taxes each person has paid in their lifetime. Anything else is just more theft and corruption.


>Nobody is forcing you to be a worker you can quit anytime you want.
This. People will promote work as being a mandate for society but when it comes to your rights and the current economic order, they do a complete 180.


tbh most adults especially nowadays only care about their consumer power.
They whine about "adulting", treating work as a curse of living.
But they have no problem with drinking themselves to death or pigging out on fine dining.

People treat adulthood as a punishment because theyve been dumbed down by Victorian propaganda.


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>Is robbing bookstores morally right or wrong?
Generally inefficient and therefore 👻>morally👻 👻>wrong👻


>People will promote work as being a mandate for society
If you live on a desert island with no other people around do think you don't need to do work to keep yourself alive? The difference in society is that we exploit division of labor so instead of waiting 6 months for your food to grow you can do a few hours at minimum wage and eat for the whole week. Not to mention that in our socialist country you can refuse to work all together and live off the taxes that workers are forced to pay.

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