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Tolerance weakens countries as it creates a lack of unity and productivity.

I especially hate the idea of going to a part of a city where no one speaks English. People can't work together, if there's an emergency people couldn't help very well and so on. The more isolated pockets we have in a country the less it's the same country anymore.


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Nice spooks nerd.


As I stated, in the US it was designed to create what was called a "superculture" in the 1700s.

The point was to get the smartest and most creative people from all over the world to move to the US.

In political science there's something called "Brain Drain" which is where all the smart people in a 3rd world type country will move to a place like the US instead of staying in their country.

So, it's not about "tolerance" which means accepting weirdoes, crazy people, sinister people, cultures that act against your culture, etc it's about collecting a massive and diverse talent pool to make the country invincible.


Tolerance doesn't mean that and has never ment that. Words don't just mean what you want them to mean because it is convenient to your political head cannon. Countries are political and economic demensions of capitalism that have coalesced into material reality.
There's literally no reason why you could not extrapolate this to the whole planet. There are always going to be cultures and people that are different than yours and you realize you're basically advocating inbreeding if you are against races and cultures mixing. Especially with the advent of the internet. These ideas are so pase…


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The idea WAS to have people from everywhere come to the US with POSITIVE ideas and we would work together to make what is called a Superculture. That was the words the designer of city hall used.

He meant a place like ancient Greece.

Nowadays, multiculturalism means people living separately in the US and not working together on things. That is terrible.

If you read about the history of Philly City hall it is based on those ideas.

In addition, the founding father wanted to create a new "Athens" and if you go to Washington DC, there's paintings of them all over, dressed as Greeks.

The wigs they wore were supposed to look like ancient Greek hair.

Democracy and slavery are from Athens.

Everyone would sit around and discuss the state, learn things, innovate, while slaves did the busy work. That's so smart people didn't have to work.

Athens had many people travel to learn there. The same goes for Egypt, which was largely run by Greek type people. There were scholars from all over in these places, giant libraries, and they were the hub of learning.

The US actually IS like that now. We have people from everywhere doing positive things that we as a nation own.


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>you're basically advocating inbreeding
I would take any amount of allowed incest between siblings rather than have them hating each other. Westoid family unit was a mistake.






>There's literally no reason why you could not extrapolate this to the whole planet.
That turns society into a ghetto.


Holy fuck what does this even mean?
You are a brain dead spook.


>Holy fuck what does this even mean?
>There's literally no reason why you could not extrapolate this to the whole planet.
Language, Ideology, and State-Building
<the deliberate use of the dominant language as a tool of state-building and as a vehicle for political socialization and ideological diffusion; (2) the active involvement of the public authorities in the standardization and dissemination of that language; and (3) a widely shared belief


>Still speaking like a retard.

there's that fag talk we talked about.
God, damn, say what you mean. Use your words you retard uyghur faggot, fuck, kek. You retards are so fucking sure of yourselves and you nothing you say holds up to any scrutiny what soever. You're just hating on people because you are all bitter faggots who want the rest of the world to be as miserable as you.
Cultural differences are normal and it's ok for different cultures to intermingle an even mix and co-exist. You have no analysis of the economy and how it influences culture and how it changes culture and how it ,specifically, coincidentally, benefits from the hegemony of supremacist ideology and coincidentally it is damaged by the commingling and intermixing of different cultures.

You're all a bunch of boot licking faggots.


It may be best to wait out the polarity of emotions before proceeding.


That other anon was right.
I think "multiculturalism" as a slur is just projection of your social neglect




typical imageboard user reaction upon differing opinions


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