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/b/ - Siberia

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File: 1721773822206.jpeg ( 260.54 KB , 1476x1492 , IMG_1054-scaled.jpeg )


Given everything in life revolves around physical & genetic survival, isn't it important that we actually start talking about the importance of achieving equality of outcomes that highly depend on genetic variance? The obvious ones I can think of is reproduction, because ugly physically unattractive men that can't change their appearance are literally treated like scum by society and all political factions.
>get lost incel
no. Given that reproduction is literally the only known way to Life to cheat death, being denied this is as worse as murder. I think I truly believe BIOLENINISM is the only solution to this.


>The obvious ones I can think of is reproduction, because ugly physically unattractive men that can't change their appearance are literally treated like scum by society and all political factions.
Gen X guys were ugly and they had lots of kids.


>Gen X guys were ugly and they had lots of kids.
Pics or GTFO


File: 1722195357949.png ( 1.7 MB , 928x1427 , kevin smith.png )





Gen X guys and gals were ugly because of the godawful punk/hip-hop fashion.
Mullets, high-top fades, long-sleeve shirts with shorts with sneakers, baggy clothes, neon colored hair, etc.

This guy isnt ugly. His fashion semse is too casual.
And hes big.

But the real problem with Gen X is that they normalised mediocrity in youth. They made it common for youngsters to be awkward, nihilistic, unworldly, etc.

Millennials got their self-castrative streak from their snarkiness.

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