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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
Tor Only

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File: 1721913179653.gif ( 1.6 MB , 500x500 , Torus-2261685617.gif )


All women are normies.


nice gif


Thanks anon.
dont ask women for advice on women


Men want comfort too.

Youre just butthurt that women arent hopping on your jock


that gif resemebles the spaceship used by ELO for their 1977 album Out Of The Blue


>males want comfort too.
>Youre just butthurt that women arent hopping on your jock
foid detected


go find a nice trooncel. you'll make each other very happy


you sound stressed


Why is your shading algo so unstable?


File: 1721961959403.jpg ( 501.31 KB , 1170x1087 , trannywife.jpg )

>honey I'm home! my heckin coding job was hard today! I was having problems with my array loops! anyways, hehe, are you ready to make love to my boipussy?


Too bad.


All men are minorities.


Still has more love than you kek.

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