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/b/ - Siberia

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File: 1722299003412.jpg ( 786.71 KB , 4021x2262 , the Winter War.jpg )


Next time a Finn starts bragging about how they 'won' the Winter War ask how giving up 11% of your country's landmass to your attacker constitutes a victory. The seething is hilarious.

It's even more hilarious when you mention the billions -adjusted for inflation- they needed to pay to the USSR after WW2 for reparations.
I dislike Russia as much as anybody else.

I just dislike the Finns even more. I've never met one that wasn't completely insufferable.

My ideal world involves every Finn and Russian killing each other.

I get it, the Finns have low standards for what the word victory means. No need to sell me on why they're such a shitty country!


>Russia is the HIV capital of Europe, and third globally after two African countries.
>Gay sex is the second leading cause of HIV spread.
>over 30% of Russians don’t have access to a toilet in their home.
>20-25% don’t even have plumbing and water.
>suicide rate is astronomically higher for similar age groups compared to other countries nearby.


f*Nns are just being prepared for round 3 in the special oekonomy operation (european theater) so there should be no surprise about the waves of saber rattling.

>My ideal world involves every Finn and Russian killing each other.

Based. Identoids are walking corpses by design anyway.


>Identoids are walking corpses by design anyway.
good ol' boys


finns and slavs are needed for the Natural-Breeding-Cloning-and-Birthing program. no more brother wars


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