>>154772>Che was a narcissistic and suicidal personality who couldn't deal with sitting around in boring meetings after they won, so he ran off to try to make revolution inYou're full of shit. Even the way you sperg this out shows this.
No, uyghie, the bolivian operation was planned for years b4 the actual execution of it.
No, uyghie, 4sr this adventuristic che of yours actually called out the congo invasion cuz he understood th@ local uyghurs with their retarded peasant villager mindset could never be rallied towards a
national-socialist marxist-leninist revolution.
& no, uyghie, all the cuban activity around the world was not happening cuz of cubans testicles having a need to liberate as many womyns as possible but because they wanted 2 rely as less on their nazi "'`buddies`'" from the su & china as possible, so their own nazi regime would stand even stronker in their socialist trade agreements.
& no, uyghie, the only guy who had anything 2 do with the jewish nigger wizard Karl Marx & Co. in castro movement was che himself.
Everybody else was a pure nationalist, castro included. They even marxistly erect idolatric monuments only to some funny guy named Rivera, how strange of them hmm.