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/b/ - Siberia

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File: 1722943812616.jpg ( 34.02 KB , 500x375 , batratspider.jpg )


>be me
>average typical bat-rat-spider
>walking down the street
>when suddenly

>guy pulls up in a hybrid
>front is a bugatti, back is a rolls royce, middle is the most expensive high-end Amish horse-and-buggy that money can buy
>the engine is a slab of solid gold with no moving parts which propels the car only by acting as a conduit for resophonic emanations
>the horses in the Amish part are really exotic
>they're zebras
>none of the working parts are made by Tesla, but there's a Tesla hood ornament
>the driver rolls down the window, which are made out of some kind of melted sheets of a niche rich people brand of Jolly Ranchers, and yells at me that it's "problematic" to be a bat-rat-spider
>he says I'm gross and toxic masculinity
<my face.jpg

Don't you hate when this happens?




File: 1722945513717.jpg ( 24.69 KB , 870x364 , mechagodzilla.jpg )

>later that night
>go out to a bar with the boys
>uh oh
>it's guy-with-hybrid-car night at the bar
>walk in cautiously
>drink quietly
>when suddenly

>Mecha Godzilla shows up
>everyone starts picking on him
>they call him gay
>Mecha Godzilla is incapable of feeling sexual attraction
>he's a robot
>they're gay
>they're having gay sex right now
>this is a gay bar
>walk over to console Mecha Godzilla because all these gay guys are being jerks
>they trip me
>land on a cock
>reflexively eat it
>they call me gay
why does it keep happening bros?


Mecha Godzilla is a real uygha

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