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File: 1608528340177.jpg ( 191.56 KB , 532x800 , 21598skull.jpg )


What do you guys think of the supreme skeleton, Skull Knight?


Like the horse mask, seems like it gives comforable space for the eyes and ears.


I wish I was half the man skullchad was.


skeletons are kinda boring, because they hand-wave the obvious question of how does it move, by saying it's fucking magic, i ain't gotta explain shit.

We could say skeleton monsters are created by a goo-creature. It eats the flash, learns from eating the brain, and then uses the left-over bones for locomotion, by attaching it self in such a way that it can actuate bones and keep them connected.


He doesn't appear to be an actual skellington though, it's just the theme of his armor.


Oh never mind then.

The goo-creature stealing and "commandearing" skeletons is still a neat idea for a fantasy monster ?


File: 1698631344930.png ( 145.96 KB , 598x477 , Exile III Pit of the Wyrm.png )

I'm pretty sure slime corpses are a monster in one of the Exile games.


>Exile games already did it.
i guess there really are no original ideas anymore

<Mung Slime attacks Barfbag

can't aim for shit without a skeleton

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