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Anyone on here trans?






gender is a spook




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not really, enby tho

cringe take


arent you supposed to be dead or something?


i am
all skeletons are none-binary silly


tranny reporting in


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2014 was 6 years ago bro, it's time to stop repressing and take your pills


yeah hi
being trans is not idpol
stop repressing


your dumb gender roles are repression




trans is still a gender role


im nonbinary, what is my gender role?


the jews


dope can i celebrate shabbot now




what does the nonbinary apparatus do


it captures the flows, it territorializes


I'm sorry anon, I will simply stop having these desires since they're harmful to your moral framework. Of course, I can't just stop having them, so I will have to deny that I have them. You know, for the sake of the revolution and all.

hm wait a minute this sounds repressive


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wait.. hold up… hang on…. aaaaand got it.
the territorialization of your deterritorialization reterritorializes the territorialization of deterritorialization, thus territorializing that which henceforth be territorialized through the meta-context of deterritorialization,
as such the dialectic thusly is synthesized from the ur-territorialization of deterritorializing resonance of the antithetical reterritorialization of deterritorialization.
And furthermore the meta-territorialization attained throughforth the becoming of hyper-territorialization is re-deterritorialized as a symptomatically territorialized schizo-territorialization,
rathermore, not as such to be confounded with, insomuch, as an element in being, soforth, that which thusly territorializes that which is in a state of ever-encroaching de-reterritorialization.


and what desires would that be? finding new categories with which to constrict yourself?


but has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


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moralfag anarchoids really gonna create directly democratically-mandated they/them pronouns because they've replaced one spook with another and still treat self-identification as something that exists in the service of society rather than a flow of individual desires that routes around repressive oedipal state structures and only acquires the form of neuroticism and oppression when it's subject to structures that produce neuroticism, regardless of its content


im more on the "fuck self-identification" side, but yeah also fuck telling people how or how not to identify, thats cringey as hell
though the modern identification brain-worm hurts my soul.


I personally don't self-identify as trans, because lol, but I get misgendered everytime I put my hair up and tuck my shirt into my pants, so I do group-identify as trans, because it would be gender tyranny for me to flatly reject so many other equally valid truths.


How does one pronounce "enby", is it en-by or en-bee?


like n b


Discussion regarding gender and sexuality shouldn't be even considered political at all. Irrelevant shit. Also most trannies are narcissists obsessed with sex and their genitals, but again most people are obsessed with sex. I'm disgusted by it in general so I avoid the topic altogether. I don't care about my gender or sexuality.


disgusted by what?


ok cool now go back where you came from


seriously tho, what the fuck is up with all these garbage posts on /dead/ recently?


By sex. I just think it shouldn't be the center of political discussion like it is today.


>[basic human function] shouldn't be the center of political discussion
also you should seek some time away from the internet and media, nobody IRL other than spooked cucks give a shit about who fucks who or does whatever with their genitals


sorta agree (that it shouldnt be such a big political issue), but you need context too, like people making things tabboo or illegal are making a political statement and enforcing it, so reaction against that is just reaction against the politicization of these sorta irrelevant things that aught to just be live and let live
though i think the radlib left goes beyond that sometimes so whatever, im not just criticizing conservatives but also the gullible left who fall for their trap of trying to make an issue of something that should just be chill and not weird/based to people


I don't think it is central but it is going to remain a political question as long as it is used as a means of control. It's cool that you can ignore it but not everyone is that fortunate.


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he doesn't care about his gender or sexuality yet is mad online about trannies. curious


Just curious, how is it used as a way of control generally?


It has a set of acceptable behaviour and acting outside it gets you ostracised.

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