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>wake up
>eat commodity


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>wake up


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>wake up
>substance abuse



really makes you epic spooked doesnt it


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>wake up


is everyone here kids on summer break, or in prison, or literally just have no fun? wtf?
go do something and then stop complaining. Stop just consuming stuff, it's in your hands to do that not society to stop creating things to consume. Go outside and graffitti shit


yeah, im just gonna stop eating now, great idea


omg you know what i mean, jeez
not literally stop eating, just stop consuming entertainment or products not necessary to life, and trying to make that into a whole lifestyle
and then complaining when it isnt fulfilling
eat food and sleep and sustain your body, but also do other things with yourself so your life isnt just "wake eat sleep", it can be "wake run around meditate do some art eat play music fuck around with friends eat go play pool or see how many abandoned buildings you can find or learn how to set things on fire or whatever you want, sleep, then do something different the next day"


>wake up
I long for the sweet release of death


>just stop consuming entertainment or products not necessary to life
but there are still products necessary for life. they are still mere commodities.
each vegetable i buy has been transported here from some low-wage sector. it was repeatedly processed using various chemicals which are safe in certain weekly doses. it layed under artificial lighting for hours, ensuring nearly all actual vitamins have been burned away.
its revolting. buying it a capitulation.
and moreover i deem art, music and so on also necessary for survival. a life without emotional expression is numb.
but what is the music we hear but another commodity, made to be sold and not to be heard. same with movies, literature, online media.

this is /dead/, why are you expecting optimism?


1. i expect no optimism, i'm just trying to bring some sanity to break a weird circlejerk of "waa im boring why is life so lame?"
2. consume all you want, but if it's not fulfilling, then do other things. If it's fulfilling, then why complain? If it takes up all your time without being fulfilling, then cut some of it out and do other shit. Literally thats all.

Go steal some organic veggies and pirate music and paint expressionist art or whatever you want, i dont get what ur gripe is really.

THIS is more like it, this is at least not a totally self-imposed problem. Thank you for having a shit life in an non-"someone else provides my existance and i do nothing fun with my free life" way.

that sucks dude. Always know that there are many ways to kill yourself. If you can get a gun that's the fastest and most sure way


>then do other things
are you not getting it? there are no other things.
capitalism has reduced everything into commodities and every interaction into transaction.


you're a fucking moron if you think you can only do what capital allows, jesus
kids these days need to play outside more


(also, bonus for ressentiment)


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cope harder


>He has no hobbies
No wonder you waste your life on here


I log on once a week and see you posting at any time. You are a retarded British incel.


its ok you dont wanna engage with what I actually said
the feeling is mutual


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hobbies? no no no, side hustle!!!


i engaged directly with what you said
there literally are other things
capital has reduced everything within itself to commodities and all interactions to transactions….
not everything is subsumed, and you can still go out and play and open up non-capitalist space by doing activities that are not transactions
barf whatever off-brand blackpill u swallosed and lighten up and see the world for what it is. there's still space to live that isnt capitalism.


>lighten up
fuck off back to /leftypol/


1. projection
2. all you can say about it is go back to leftypol, obviously you know somewhere deep inside i'm right and this thread is a weird as shit circlejerk for people who have lost all imagination, never played outside as kids, and want constant validation for their pessimism


Marxism was invented to depress people


>never played outside as kids,
The fuck are you on? I have fucking played outside as a kid, what does that have to do with anything? Are you really so fucking patronising that you think ppl on here are depressed cause they didnt have a dumb, mythical, petite-bourgeois picture-book childhood? Get fucking over yourself.
It must be fucking nice though, to delude yourself about the state we are actually in. When >>2258 said that there are no other things, no things outside of capitalism anymore, that is undoubtedly true.
What is there to do? You say 'do some hobbies' (wow what a fucking revelation, are you also the type that tells depressed ppl to be happier?). Like for example one could join a sports team. Sport teams, as we know them today, came up with fordism and the new demand for past-time activities . So it's a structure thats directly born out of capitalist development. But sports also reproduces capitalist ideology, seeing any field as a field of competition, with the winners eligible for big-money sponsorships and semi-prominency. If your arent able to fulfill the specific perfomance standarts, your are useless. Also, sports are being consumed as commodites (just like literally everything surrounding us) and thus also produced as commodities. Ones it gets proffesional, sports is no longer done for intrinsic value as sports, it is only a way to accumulate money, sport is only made to be sold.
Same is true for the next example I'm gonna look at: arts. No matter if you are drawing, making music or movies, it has all become commodities. If you draw, you are better ready to lower yourself to drawing pregnant furry commisions for small money. Forget doing something just for its own sake - the market for art is big and inflated, so you better lower your standarts. But at least the field of drawn art isnt as dominated by giant mega-businesses as movies or music are, squashing any creativity in favor of marketability. But what's even worse than them are their counterparts on the "indie" scene - pumping out one dull nightmare after another in desperate attemps to subvert the culture - sadly not understanding that they reify industry norms by doing so.
What other hobbies are there? Im sure there is a hole host of stuff Im not even getting close to here, but the fact of the matter is that NONE of them are somehow outside of capitalism. Even illegal things- like graffiti art - have been incorporated into the never-ending process of commodification. Maybe you enjoy, or dont mind, that all things around are mere placeholders for you to spend money on so that some asshole keeps being rich - but I find it really depressing. And being like "hurr get over your childhood or something" isnt really a point here. How about you name a hobby thats outside of capitalism if you think such a thing exists though?

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