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I can't stop thinking about death. My own death, specifically. No, I'm not suicidal. Just that we have this short time on Earth and spend it suffering before getting blinked out of existence entirely.

And eventually, forgotten. Think of all the people who have lived, ever since caveman times. Most of them have been forgotten. Eventually even Caesar will be forgotten and he has a fucking month named after him.

Is life just a sick joke? Just some pointless temporary misery?


Feeling the same, OP. Read Schopenhaur. The main thing that gets me is wageslaving—such a short time on this Earth and I have to waste my peak years working at a miserable job? I don't expect happiness but this is some peak bullshit.

The last time I remember being "happy" was when I wasn't working . . .


I'm not even working now and actively avoiding it. I've only spent 2 years of my life as a full time working. Abject poverty isn't much better.
Ain't that the rub? You can either have some money and no time to use it or some time but not afford to do anything in it.

But thank you for the recommendation.




Ahem what


Read Bhudda


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take it as liberating
no one will remember you being a retard either
you get to live a whole life, without any historical responsibility
also, suffering is a state of mind. listen to anon saying to read buddha. get out of the reactive mindset, and get into a mindset of agency and choosing what you want to do. Even if you're suffering, you'll be suffering for reasons you can comprehend. And always remind urself that you could kill yourself at any time. Give yourself that way out. But more often than not, you'll realize that you aren't suffering bad enough right now, or your suffering will alleviate some so why not just wait, etc.
The biggest thing though really is take charge of your life, and stop making excuses if you do that, like about how capitalism is unable to be overcome, or anything like that. Look at how your life is materially, imagine all possibilities. Where can you gain more freedom? What is the furthest you could go?
The fear of death usually indicates in my experience, that you're not living life right. If you're living life, then you don't fear death. The problem is that you're already dead, and it's all you know. Start from yourself, look at the world with new eyes, think about what you want to do, and then take your life back. When you're on the right road again, there's no reason to fear death, because you're already doing as good as you can do, so if there's death fated for you it's pointless to fight it because there's no better life in fighting it.


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>I can't stop thinking about death.
i can really relate OP, I had a phase where it was the exact same for. I would just lay awake night after night and think about non-existence and how my actions ultimately dont matter. It filled me with a kind of dread which is hard to describe, it was a very hollow feeling for sure.
Eventually I realised that being forgotten doesnt matter and that endlessly brooding over my end does nothing but worsen my time in the present. I still am terrified of the thought of being dead, I just learned to avoid thinking about it.


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Do not fear Death. Death is always at our side. When we show fear, it jumps at us faster than light. But, if we do not show fear, it casts its eye upon us gently and then guides us into infinity.


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I think no thoughts
I have no beliefs
I have no regrets over the past
I have no hope for the future
I have no energy to stay awake
None of it has any meaning at all.



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