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 No.2187[Watch Thread]>>2199>>2281

Our epoch is an epoch of decadence. Bourgeois-christian-plebeian civilization arrived at the dead end of its evolution a long time ago.

Democracy has arrived!

But under the false splendor of democratic civilization, higher spiritual values have fallen, shattered.

Willful strength, barbarous individuality, free art, heroism, genius, poetry have been scorned, mocked, slandered.

And not in the name of “I”, but of the “collective”. Not in the name of “the unique one”, but of society.

Thus christianity — condemning the primitive and wild force of the virgin instinct — killed the vigorously pagan “concept” of the joy of the earth. Democracy — its offspring — glorified itself making the justification for this crime and reveling in its grim and vulgar enormity.

Already we knew it!

Christianity had brutally planted the poisoned blade in the healthy, quivering flesh of all humanity; it had goaded a cold wave of darkness with mystically brutal fury to dim the serene and festive exultation of the dionysian spirit of our pagan ancestors.

In one cold evening, winter fatally fell upon a warm midday of summer. It was christianity that, substituting the phantasm of “god” for the vibrant reality of “I”, declared itself the fierce enemy of the joy of living and avenged itself knavishly on earthly life.

With christianity Life was sent to mourn in the frightful abysses of the most bitter renunciations; she was pushed toward the glacier of disavowal and death. And from this glacier of disavowal and death, democracy was born.

Thus democracy — the mother of socialism — is the daughter of christianity.


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>>2187 (OP)
what does that even mean you italian asshole? wouldnt the proper analogy to the boirgeoisie be the patricians?


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No, Novatore had this weird idea of the "libertarian aristocracy" and blamed the bourgeoisie for lowering everyone down to a commoner, kind of like how Wilde talks about false individualism.


rebranded neet-zsche? come on, /dead/, up your game a bit!


>>2187 (OP)
I just finished reading the whole thing and honestly I was left sort of confused. I liked the emphasis on individualism and the human spirit but I think a lot of the analogies had me lost.


well hes italian, what did you expact but a bunch of gobbledygook

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