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 No.2592[Watch Thread]>>2594

So when did leftypol become so reactionary and behind the vanguard of resistance? Total fed op. They never shut up about the climate boogaloo and want to make COVID a thing, when anyone of the left who wants to live is fighting bitterly against COVIDism.


No one outside of facebook boomers give a shit about covid anymore


>>2592 (OP)
I looked at Cuba Vietnam and China, and they all pursued the strategies of quarantining, masking and vaxing. Those countries are ruled by communist parties, with either universal public health care or ambitions to create that, so they don't have a potential conflict of interests from a private health care industry and neither of these countries has a particularly prominent private pharmacological sector either.

But i do get the skepticism, the fact that quarantine measures got labled "lock-down" which is a word that originated in prisons, is rather sus. And all the population controle shit they tried to push through because of covid, adds to that. But one has to take into account that the rulers want all that population controle shit in order to maintain the extreme wealth inequality, and they just sought to exploit the covid crisis to push their agenda.

You can consider the covid crisis as a real thing that happened and at the same time point out how the rulers try to harness every crisis to attack democracy, civil liberties and so on.


>I looked at Cuba Vietnam and China, and they all pursued the strategies of quarantining, masking and vaxing. Those countries are ruled by communist parties, with either universal public health care or ambitions to create that, so they don't have a potential conflict of interests from a private health care industry and neither of these countries has a particularly prominent private pharmacological sector either.
Cuba even made its own vax because of the sanctions not allowing them to get the tr*mp one, and they distributed to Iran I think. If you think the covid vax specifically is a bill gates chipping conspiracy to make you gay, and not that vaccines inherently all make you autistic, then there's an alternative. You'd think this conspiracy for Big Vax global domination would obviously target one of the US' biggest and closest enemies


>So when did leftypol become so reactionary
It started when the original BO sperged out over Rojava back on 8chan.


If your problem with .org is that they don't have an alternative to the greenhouse effect and they acknowledge that the pandemic which just wiped out millions of grandmas exists, then you're fucking dumb. They fucking wrecked that site, but they didn't wreck it by not suppressing germ theory hard enough.


China is nominally communist, but obviously extremely capitalist with some trappings of SocDem-ism remaining. Vietnam is iirc pretty similar now. Cuba's legit tho afaik.


>legalized private property


>the only based lefty state is of nationalist revolution origins
The absolute state of the orthocummies.


>They fucking wrecked that site, but they didn't wreck it by not suppressing germ theory hard enough.
feels true

>China is nominally communist, but obviously extremely capitalist with some trappings of SocDem-ism remaining.
I wouldn't be so sure, chinese communist theory is not that far off orthodox marxism as it might appear at first. They maintain that it's only possible to make the change to a socialist mode of production irreversible if the capitalist mode of production has exhausted all the material conditions that allowed it to reproduce it self. That's definitly a possible interpretation of what marx wrote.

They're letting capitalists have a longer leesh as long as they devellope the productive forces. But if they threaten to harm social-outcomes or undermine chinese devellopment goals, the cpc acts as decisive as historic communist movements have. In the west most capitlists turned towards neo-liberal parasitic behavior that drains the life out of societies. If that's universally the case for capitalists and the chinese cull them one at a time, at the pace they go bad, then at the end of this process what's left standing, will be the chinese workers, the chinese communist party and a handfull of ethical capitalists. Spending well over a hundred years in socialist transition mode just to make sure it can't ever be undone once it's finished, is probably the most hardass thing anybody has ever done, but at the same time they are spilling very little blood doing it. When they're done with this stage they'll likely have a domminant socialist planning system with a small legacy market, and nobody will contest it because every capitalist that they crushed along the way, will have been caught doing really reprehensible things for maxing wealth and power. Their slow path might also make their system accumulate the features that immunizes against every possible attackvector the bourgoise can come up with.

That said, it obviously it's not a done deal, and the future is not yet written.


Did they? Dang. Still not as bad as China.

>I wouldn't be so sure, chinese communist theory is not that far off orthodox marxism as it might appear at first. They maintain that it's only possible to make the change to a socialist mode of production irreversible if the capitalist mode of production has exhausted all the material conditions that allowed it to reproduce it self. That's definitly a possible interpretation of what marx wrote.

Yyyyeah, but I mean, why'd they start with Maoism, warm up to the west, distance themselves from the USSR, and switch, then?
4D chess? I just don't believe it. I could be wrong.


>why'd they start with Maoism
that's how you clear out imperial overlords with a bunch of peasants.

>warm up to the west distance themselves from the USSR

Hm you seem to be asking whether the Sino-Soviet splitt was a mistake.
It's hard to say what the alternate time-line would have been.


Those are revisionist countries. Virology and vaccination are bourgeois ideology. Hope this helps.

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