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Does this prove that everything fun shortens your live, and in order to live to 128, you can't have any fun.


truly with age comes wishdom

you pathetic normoid fags should listen to this w*man

also, is anyone surprised that the oldest living person is a fucking w*man? average male would be lucky to survive for half her age


true maturity is realising death is something to embrace


>also, is anyone surprised that the oldest living person is a fucking w*man? average male would be lucky to survive for half her age

Of course not - it's well-known that women tend to live longer.


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Testosterone makes you take a lot of risk, which also includes drunkenly riding a motorbike off a cliff thinking you're Evel Knievel. Imperial eunuchs managed to live incredibly long too, because they got their balls STOLEN, ROBBED, NABBED from them.


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I don't think that you can blame testosterone for a lower life expectancy. It's unclear what you mean but you could be understood to imply castration as a medical measure for increasing life expectancy. That's not acceptable.

The class-divide in life expectancy is a larger factor than most biological factors. (outside of stuff like congenital deseases and so on).

By the way Evel Knievel was an adrenaline junkie, pretty much anybody can get addicted to that rush. I think that if we make realistic enough simulated experiences, this kind of behavior can be channeled into non destructive avenues. Think base jumpig in the holodeck.


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>but you could be understood to imply castration as a medical measure for increasing life expectancy.
I wouldn't cut a single nut off me if it meant I could live forever without complaints, I love them too much. Look at black and white pictures of Chinese eunuchs post nut-theft and they're crying. But test making you take more risks is the usual explanation I hear for why women live longer
>The class-divide in life expectancy is a larger factor than most biological factors.
That actually does make sense too, men are the ones expected to do the harder work too
>By the way Evel Knievel was an adrenaline junkie, pretty much anybody can get addicted to that rush. I think that if we make realistic enough simulated experiences, this kind of behavior can be channeled into non destructive avenues. Think base jumpig in the holodeck.
To give the man credit, he jumped over busses and fires and sharks and shit, but died in his old age of fucking diabetes of all things.


Women live longer vecausw theyre not expected to do heavy lifting.

>truly with age comes wishdom

Not automatically. Especially nowadays where the average adult has an artificial shallow perspective of age numbers as personality traits.


Nah. Men are just idealists. Men are guilt tripped into Herculean tasks to prove their worth.

Young men are pathologised by society for not being convenient demigod-servants for the community.

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