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I love the dark web. It's so liberating and refreshing


ITT: Zoomers who are still scared of tor in 2023.


wasnt it made by glowies? why'd they let it become mainstream, need to get monetize their confiscated blackmarket goods?


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cope. you will never reach our power level.


KIt wasn't "Made by glowies" the protocol originally was created in the late 80s or some shit and the tor team forked it and made it what it is today. Anyone can start any open source project, or, fork any project so might as well say open source is glowop'd.

The US military funds it to this day, but, that isn't because glows, but, because it works. I know it's counter intuitive for you to think about, but, that does not mean it's psyop'd. If you understand how tor works thinking otherwise makes no sense.,

Ther eare vunerablities with tor but they mostly concern people wo actually run tor servers not end users.


Zoomers can barely even read or write.


The bourgeois boomers can't even do subtraction in their fucking heads. They were all taught to have to write that shit down like idiots. The boomers learned by counting sticks.



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>I love the dark web. It's so liberating and refreshing

Mad Thad?


a take so hot that it could make the sun melt


I remember seeing this guy's videos on YouTube and thinking he was just a regular guy. It was really shocking when it was revealed that he was a pedophile and went to jail.


He's back on YouTube after getting out of prison.


Who the fuck is this?


Bro, how do you not know about MadThad and his lulzworthy run in with the cops?


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>Millennials project their frustrations and vices onto their juniors


Have you paid a visit to Naughty Kids forum?


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why did Mad Thad betray his viewerbase like this?

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