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/dead/ - dead

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All those stories that my dad told me,
They are just a whisper in time
All those things that never came to be,
They are just a whisper in time
A whisper in time, a whisper in time
Things that I can't shake from my mind
A whisper in time, a whisper in time
Moments that just flicker and die
(memories that flicker and die)
All those places I wanted to go,
They are just a whisper in time
All those friends who now I do not know,
They are just a whisper in time
Maps and roads that brought me here today,
They are just a whisper in time
Circumstances that were explained away,
They are just a whisper in time
We are messengers of memory,
Just whispers in time

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[ overboard / sfw / alt / cytube] [ leftypol / b / WRK / hobby / tech / edu / ga / ent / music / 777 / posad / i / a / R9K / dead ] [ meta ]