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File: 1608528358654.png ( 5.33 KB , 600x600 , AnEveningatPOL.png )


Do you think that humanity will ever get communism before we fuck ourselves to death? Capitalism leads to communism the more and more the technological conditions of communism are built by capitalism. It also leads to catastrophic climate change and greatly increased ability of the bourgeoisie to completely suck the value and life of the worker in the most vampire-like fashion. What do you we think we get to first, the end or communism.


File: 1608528358743.jpg ( 190.47 KB , 1228x868 , D8yMn4bUEAAxPCk.jpg:orig.jpg )

As the climate catastrophe worsens there's a possibility of spaces opening up for new, anarchistic forms of life. We need to admit that the global communist revolution is no longer possible and instead look for the cracks in power, seeking out territories from where domination must retreat as it becomes unsustainable. See you on the mountains, comrade.

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