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File: 1608528367947.jpg ( 149.14 KB , 500x374 , 1486204935369.jpg )


> it's for the good of the economy> you can't do that, it would hurt the economy> you should study what the economy needs> you don't want to live in poverty? too bad the economy is in a downturn> sorry we have to fire you because of the economy> don't worry, the economy will save us once it is nationalised/socialised/democratized/cybernetic/liberated/sexualisedWhy do people put up with this shit?


>>432its insane to think that all of our livelihood depends on this abstract, arnarchic thing we literally don't need anymore. modern free markets are hurtful to the ecology and could easily be replaced by a planned economy.But the fact remains that most people in the west tend to either be apolitical or have pro prive-propety opinions. The neccesity of private property and free markets seems so apparent to normies that questioning them sound insane.So, these retards defend the mechanisms that exploit them and keep them exploited


>>434> don't worry, the economy will save us once it is centrally planned


>>432funny how such a spook could be a euphemism for very real class-interest


>class interest is real
haha no


The biggest spook of them all is you, my property. You are the spook of all spooks, the pale boaster, an empty phrase, a creative nothing.


File: 1608528371108.jpg ( 161.99 KB , 1264x1630 , 1588478377571.jpg )

How can I be a spook if nobody believes in me?


Because you believe in you, even if you think you don't, by virtue of believing in a you.

Also, some ghosts are forgotten and become so completely neglected that they seem to no longer exist. But they're still there, haunting the same hallows and hollows, only they have become invisible to those found their wake.

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