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File: 1608528373221.png ( 489.08 KB , 1806x2622 , cafr0.png )


Do people still read anarchistnews or how do they keep up with the international happenings concerning anarchists?


>international happenings concerning anarchists
like, what is there except rojava and individualist authors facing charges of child abuse?


I read socialist alternative every now and then.


Ever increasing repression? Back when ITEOTWAWKIAIFF was airing there was a story about government crackdown on anarchists in Brazil/Russia/etc. every other episode.


>Ever increasing repression?
That's not news, that's the state of things. As long as I know there is a government, I can be pretty sure that there is repression against anarchists going on.


File: 1608528373953.jpg ( 43.95 KB , 620x597 , CxMEWcZUQAAOKpa.jpg )

It pays to be up to date on the current methods. Who knows when will they come for you for that two character edit you did on The Anarchist Library in 2014?

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