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To be blunt and to the point: I've witnessed three splits of our community so far the last 8 years and I have detected a certain tendency I would like to reflect upon if that's okay with you guys.

First, and following thereunder, schematic representations:
>back on 8chan
>OldBO starts banning pro-imperialist talking points surrounding Syria
<RESULT: "split board" is created
Analysis of the split (and sorry if this hurts your sentiments, but I'm way past of idgaf):
>main 8ch/leftypol quality of posts improve, we are witnessing way higher % of effort posts and so on, while
on the "split board:"
<idiotic appeals to "board direct democracy" are instated, promises of way looser moderation ensues
<our worst community members of old start inhabiting the place – and I'm talking about post-work, post-left, pro-bookchin, anti-civ, etc. etc. "snowflake" types
<the fucking splitting board gets overrun with "anti-transhumanist" (etc.) 8/pol/ spam in merely days
<the board becomes deserted

Second, the bunkerchan split:
>a fragment of the 8ch/leftypol community is saved by migrating to bunkerchan.ex-why-zee
>tensions grow with current site owner
>split happens
<post-work, post-left, pro-bookchin, anti-civ, etc. etc. "snowflake" types stay with Space_
<the rest of us move on
>suddenly, post quality improves
>weeks go by, a "deal is struck" – amounting to merging the two boards, leading to the influx of said
<post-work, post-left, pro-bookchin, anti-civ, etc. etc. "snowflake" types being re-integrated to the main board
<post quality drops
<fishing for (you)s increase, etc.

>Junta Dictator stops BS
>opposition takes over original site address
<original site address is littered with post-work, post-left, pro-bookchin, anti-civ, etc. etc. "snowflake" types
<this site is inhabited by (mostly – according to chan standards, that is) reasonable types
<orig. site is littered with (you) fishing, bait, huge quality drop
>this site improves in quality

Now if you don't see a pattern here, you must be blind. But let me get to my actual point, if you'd permit me. It's not that "some ppl are better than others" or some vague shit like that. My point is that even posters have TWO crucially defining features:

1. their actual class background, which includes their actual position in the process of production, and;
2. tied to the above their actual seriousness inevitably expressed with accordance with the above position, plus how much they read, which was always fueled by the "urgency" they felt how seriously the status quo we live under must be overthrown.

There's LITERALLY NO other explanation for how ""our"" "post-work, post-left, pro-bookchin, anti-civ, etc. etc. "snowflake" types" keep repeating this pattern but that they have no (class-based) stakes in "the game." An example: I can be an avid anti-civ or pro-Stirner (or whatever idiocy) if I literally have no physical stake in the production process, meaning, for example, if I'm a neet. MOREOVER each and every one of you dear comrades need to realize the fact that while we, regular proles, actual communists, etc. have a "fucking life" (which, as a statement, however broad, holds actual comparative significance on chans), have "actual stakes" in the "production game," and so on, LITERALLY MEANS that we have way less free time than aforementioned snowflakes.

From the POV of class analysis, there's no other explanation for said snowflakes, nor, for that matter breadtube-types (talking about the content creators here primarily). No SHIT that for them every "really existing socialist movement" is cringe and so on.

Furthermore, NO SHIT then that in the context of our community's idiotic spasms over the years, said stratum proved to be the most outspoken, the most active, most divisive, and most backwards. NO SHIT that this ilk is riddled with postmodern ideologemes, like gate-keeping you on whether you'll >>voluntarily accept<< calling a trans person a he or a she. (No, nobody cares, and this is completely besides the point: the actual point is that the wast majority of proles don't give a shit – they want fucking healthcare in America AND NOW.) No wonder they are the most vulnerable when it comes to criticisms of the USA, and cheering of the fact that said empire is failing!

Why? Because while you, a regular working prole from the USA, Europe, or Africa, or anywhere else, cheer for the destruction of the Empire, these "snowflakes" for very good reasons (!!) sense a threat to their comfortable lifestyles.

So to sum up: if you are an oldfag as I, when it comes to this community, you start seeing this (rather obvious) pattern. No shit that at every meaningful turn the literal rabble fucks off, fails, and then comes back like nothing has happened. (And we are to blame for just pretending that we can enter a new qualitative phase with re-admitting re-education worthy elements.) For them this – ALL OF THIS – is a mere posting match on a chan. No difference from Twitter, or Reddit.

For you and I, however, this is about overturning everything under the sun. So let's make leftychan.net worthy of this calling, comrades.


A very gay wall of text didnt read and I think no one will do.


if that happens I'm okay with it


and you know…

I could go on and on about the vol-types who are on .org right now who fight to the death to keep their fucking (supposed) burden of a job when it is threatened by, say, a Junta.

If it's such a burden, why fucking fight it? If it's not, why fucking complain about it when it's not being threatened?

If there's a vol who takes up this (unpaid) "job" he does it in his/her free time, meaning when he is literally not producing for porky, and more importantly, as an expression of hatred towards porky.

But when shitty fucking vols start to "rebel" (after they complained on and on about the hardships of the "job") and have the free time to post and argue about it 24/7 someone with a class-based view gets a fucking itch: if it's so important to you, and if, supposedly, did such a good fucking job, while TOTALLY not complaining to the community about how "nobody appreciates" your "input" as a vol, then WHY THE FUCK do you suddenly come out as this fucking victim?

Mind you, I've debated like 60-70% of .org-staying vols back on .org, and they came off as either no-life assholes, or worse, privilege/pronoun checking idiots. (and again, this is not about trans-shit, this is about FUCKING PRIORITIES – SOMETHING YOU ACQUIRE IF YOU HAVE ACTUAL CONTACT WITH REGULAR PROLES)

It's so obvious, really.

If we take their complaints seriously – "omg, being a vol is such an ungrateful job!" – then they should be ready to step away from it *like that*. If we take their heavy involvement with the site seriously – "I've put so much into moderation, yada yada" – then again, just step away, niqqa. Nobody is forcing you.

But then a sudden change happens, and boom, they are at the forefront, doing their split no. 3, attracting THE WORST FUCKING SCUM AGAIN, and then they pretend that somehow is a coincidence.

Well it's not.


I am glad that posting has slowed down, because I can research and lurk for good posts more betterer


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My only criticism as OP:
- this decision upholds our laws
- this decision is also tactically unwise and counter-productive

do you even understand what I'm talking about?? Do you understand the difference between the two, as a supposed revolutionary?


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Retarded shit even old BO (Che) would hate, because he absolutely despised admin cocksucking (ironically enough). And old BO banned more then Rojava posters, and things actually did get entirely out of hand. I'm not even an anarchist or any of your laundry list of ideological tendencies, and I got banned for a spot that shouldn't at all have been controversial among communists. Even Naziposter, who made great effortposts of a myriad of subjects, ran into issues with BO, so fuck off with this revisionism. Split, especially splits like this, generally do not help, and the /leftpol/ and bunkerchan went to shit due to the same exact admin running them. And I'm quickly running out of any "sympathy" for any mod as well though, which was practically tapped dry years ago, due to the fact that this could have been avoided once again with the mod team being forward and transparent with what was going on behind closed doors before it blew up. Instead we once again learned about this shit at the very last second, when the split was practically already in the process of occuring. This was after calls for it last time, to prevent this exact scenario from happening.


And btw, this is not a criticism in regards to only the mods here, but the mods on the other board as well. At least the mods here are at least giving the appearance of reform, over there, they just laugh at the idea of user decisions.


k thx bye


This was the cultural revolution we deserved. I hope we can recreate something out of this


>idiotic appeals to "board direct democracy" are instated, promises of way looser moderation ensues
>our worst community members of old start inhabiting the place – and I'm talking about post-work, post-left, pro-bookchin, anti-civ, etc. etc. "snowflake" types
>main 8ch/leftypol quality of posts improve
Interesting revisionism, OP, that's not how I remember it. That you, Body Odor?


>due to the fact that this could have been avoided once again with the mod team being forward and transparent with what was going on behind closed doors before it blew up.
The reforms watermelon made include more transparency. The ogre jannys despise this


I have decided to start pimping hoes on OnlyFans and I will make my own board with no anarkiddies or liberals

The jannies here are good but holy fuck, the title of this board STILL says leftypol.org


K keep me posted


Then fuck off, porky.




Yeah, this is all bullshit, here's why.
>back on 8chan
>OldBO starts banning pro-imperialist talking points surrounding Syria
>main 8ch/leftypol quality of posts improve,
It only approved for thin skinned tankies such as yourself. The popularity of /leftypol/ came from the spectacle of getting to hear from ALL leftist sects and seeing them advocate for their various ideologies.
Tankies generally can't handle criticism so they would get regularly BTFO'd and triggered.
>Second, the bunkerchan split:
>a fragment of the 8ch/leftypol community is saved by migrating to bunkerchan.ex-why-zee
>tensions grow with current site owner
None of the anons gave a fuck about Space_'s supposed 'crimes' which just boiled down to him not letting the mentally ill .ogre jannies from having root access to the server.
Even though he actually offered it to them but wanted them to reveal their real identity to them since he was legally liable for the board.
No one gives a fuck how this inconvenienced the .ogre jannies, literally no one. It sure af wasn't worth splinting our community over.
And the common demonstrator in all three splits are the .ogre jannies and their staggering narcissistic need to be the center of attention on the boards they mod, and to police the boards of anything that personally offends them.


>If we take their complaints seriously – "omg, being a vol is such an ungrateful job!" – then they should be ready to step away from it *like that*. If we take their heavy involvement with the site seriously – "I've put so much into moderation, yada yada" – then again, just step away, niqqa. Nobody is forcing you.
Are you familiar with the concept of having a sense of duty? Of being motivated by something beyond your own transient feelings? Because this post and the OP really come across as written by someone who can't see past their most immediate self-interest and might make for a firebrand agitator but would be a terrible comrade when it comes to making actual plans that require impulse control and putting long-term goals ahead of short term "correct action."


Lol, please stop acting like being a jannie like being a firefighter in the middle of a burning building.
It's a job literally anyone can do, and if you feel burdened by it step down. The real reason why people like you don't is because you want to shape the discourse to your liking.


*It only improved for thin skinned tankies


I'm not a janny but I understand why someone would do it despite not liking it.


>le plight of the hotpocket eaters


Don't hate the playa hate the game


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>It only approved for thin skinned tankies such as yourself. The popularity of /leftypol/ came from the spectacle of getting to hear from ALL leftist sects and seeing them advocate for their various ideologies. Tankies generally can't handle criticism so they would get regularly BTFO'd and triggered.
When leftcoms and anarchos dominated 8ch/leftypol/, the "triggered tankies" never protested or called for a split. It wasn't the "thin skinned tankies" who made a new board and caused an exodus, but the autistic bookchinoid anarchos.


8chan got shut down because of the Christchurch and El Paso shootings. No one was responsible for the first 'split'. Nice try revisionist.


They literally created a board called /marx/ devoted to Marxism Leninism


tl;dr, go to work, wagie



Your incorrect. there was a split on leftypol 8ch. A new board was created called leftpol. The justification for leftpol was to give explicit support for rojava which old BO was not a fan of. Leftpol quickly devolved into a spammed wasteland and the original board continued on unill the end.


That didn't cause an exodus to bunkerchan though.


Actually, the justification for leftpol was a censorship-free leftist discussion board. I know, I went there and I never gave a shit about Rojava.


is that a separate website though?


That's just false. /marx/ was made by a guy called Ismail years before the split ever happened. That board was almost as old as /leftypol/ itself.
Ismail remade it as a forum on his own website after 8chan died.

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