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The first time as tragedy, the second time as farce. The mods are incompetent and their laissez-faire approach has destroyed quality of posts, there is also a notable increase in pseudo-leftist reactionaries freely posting here. Having talked with the mods they're probably liberals, so it's no wonder they love extreme free speech to the detriment of everyone else. This isn't a leftist website, it's a deserted and flailing reactionary concern-troll site with no hope or aspiration.


Honestly I prefer arguing with morons over agreeing with ghosts.


Blah blah blah.
If you don't like it leave.
Next. SAGE


>a notable increase in pseudo-leftist reactionaries freely posting here
says ziggapolyp lol

you ARE the fucking definition of pseudo-left nazoid


>This isn't a leftist website
if being a "leftist" means being a zigga or/and a transhumanist - then I'm not "leftist"


>My leftist activism includes crying like a fag while pretending to be better than other people online, spending time alone, and masturbating to cartoons. How about you guys?


Nobody said that.


I much prefer the current state than what we had a year ago or so.

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