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I need a quick rundown on why exactly has /leftychan/ diverged from /leftypol/? I keep posting both here and there but havent cared about the current internet drama until now.


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Consistent disagreement between the mods of the then recently formed (Dec 2020) leftypol.org, which boiled over in August 2021 and resulted in the split.

The mods which currently run .org preferred stricter moderation, with jannies being allowed a lot of leeway to punish users. They wanted no accountability for mods or a way for users to have their say in how the site is run. Overall a very terminally online bunch who liked their "power" as mods and didn't want to lose any of it.

The mods which currently run leftychan were opposed to these mods and their methods. In early August 2021 the current leftychan mods tried to kick the powertrippers from the mod team and institute user democracy after an especially flagrant abuse of power by one of the current .org mods. However the leftychan clique were very disorganised and incompetent during this period, resulting in them losing the domain and with it the entire userbase. On the contrary the clique of .org mods were more strategic and better prepared, owing to their terminal-onlineness.

Ultimately .org came out on top in terms of userbase and being 'the' /leftypol/. As for which site is better run, that's for you to decide.


And what the fuck happened to Bunkerchan


>However the leftychan clique were very disorganised and incompetent during this period, resulting in them losing the domain and with it the entire userbase.
Nah, that was all cuck ass Dollar's fault. His stupid ass gave them the domain in exchange for a mod position at .org. Once they got the domain they kicked his dumbass to the curb and he got nothing. Most pathetic things I've ever seen in IB.




As someone who's been around since 8chan, I gave up on .org this year because the mod team over there doesn't act like a mod team but like a circlejerk of friends. Moderation/enforcement of rules is completely arbitrary, you can break 0 rules and still get banned if your post offends the wrong janny. If you're friends with mods you can get away with anything (ie. Shay). Woobly is probably the biggest nutcase there. I've been banned multiple times by him for utterly false reasons like "/pol/" or "spam". I sincerely don't understand why someone like him is on the staff or how he got there. He's completely discredited himself as mod but they just protect him.


It's really quite spectacular how fully the rot has taken in at this point. It would be one thing if it were just a few bad apples that could be swept under the rug with house cleaning, but the utterly corrupt anti-user assholes have practically taken over the whole website in a rather short span. Comatoast was right about trying to establish systems to for users to hold janny scum accountable; it's too bad they weren't established fast enough to prevent the swift and complete undermining of a community. It's really remarkable to see how things have progressed in this succession of communities to the point where moderation on .org is now indistinguishable from the most tyrannical times on 4chan or 8ch's worst board near the end (Mark/v/). It's so cartoonishly corrupt that one could be forgiven for simply assuming that this was the outcome of a successful spook agency operation. I did harbor some hope that it would never happen to us, but this had better be the final conclusive lesson on where top-down, hierarchical web communities will end up without community oversight. I've seen this pattern happen maybe seven or eight times now in my time spent on image boards.

The iron law of web communities is this: as long as top-down control over web communities remains in place, eventually, inevitably, some power-hungry narcissist will make a pass for control and once they get it they'll never let go. The users must be empowered or this will never stop happening.


Those monkeys are looking very majestic.

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