>>11177Consistent disagreement between the mods of the then recently formed (Dec 2020) leftypol.org, which boiled over in August 2021 and resulted in the split.
The mods which currently run .org preferred stricter moderation, with jannies being allowed a lot of leeway to punish users. They wanted no accountability for mods or a way for users to have their say in how the site is run. Overall a very terminally online bunch who liked their "power" as mods and didn't want to lose any of it.
The mods which currently run leftychan were opposed to these mods and their methods. In early August 2021 the current leftychan mods tried to kick the powertrippers from the mod team and institute user democracy after an especially flagrant abuse of power by one of the current .org mods. However the leftychan clique were very disorganised and incompetent during this period, resulting in them losing the domain and with it the entire userbase. On the contrary the clique of .org mods were more strategic and better prepared, owing to their terminal-onlineness.
Ultimately .org came out on top in terms of userbase and being 'the' /leftypol/. As for which site is better run, that's for you to decide.