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File: 1706100360756.png ( 280.76 KB , 1080x1282 , disease.png )


What is wrong with Pasquale? Like actually…

Yesterday I made a post half-jokingly how the West should be destroyed for the human race to survive. The post was deleted. I then posted it again and it was deleted within 30s.

Now if you post anything about nuclear war, Pasquale deletes it within 10s, no joke. Can't even mention nuclear war in the Posadist thread or post a news article where Medvedev threatens the West with nukes.

Pasquale thinks I posted it to get his attention and is literally losing his shit in the /meta/ thread because he thinks a post saying "Western capitals should be nuked" is somehow a personal attack against him.

He is literally schizophrenic.


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The schizo had a moment of lucidity and deleted his own posts cause he realised how mentally unstable he is and how it looks.


he has hrt brain


I went ahead and moved this to meta because it seems more apt being there.
Carry on…


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>The schizo had a moment of lucidity
It's not a moment, they do it constantly.
They're flaming, and then cowardly covering their tracks when someone's smart enough not to bite.


File: 1714692193343.png ( 46.23 KB , 722x194 , pasq.png )

A person who thinks they are untouchable:


Spoiler alert: they were touched a week later.

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