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File: 1617839506281.png ( 330.54 KB , 500x340 , 566db2a50a67886c7521780877….png )


Is there a search function for the entire site? I think it'd be useful to have one. There are some posts I'm looking for and I don't remember the exact threads they were in, but I remember some of the words.




>Post search is disabled
Thank you, kind stranger!


File: 1617949672491.jpg ( 35.51 KB , 358x350 , 8717fc40a2d5dbdbb3e129cb89….jpg )

>Post search is disabled


I'll get the tech team to look into this, sorry for the inconvenience.


I'll be waiting.


Stop waiting.


issue solved, anchoring (thanks tech team)


Well thanks guys. Mods delivered.

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