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File: 1619311459826.png ( 766.32 KB , 992x767 , 1619207461231.png )


Train a neural network to detect wojaks and make it autoban anyone who posts one.


File: 1619311590559.jpg ( 35.24 KB , 564x823 , 1617586644036.jpg )

>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Train a neural network to detect wojaks and make it autoban anyone who posts one.


That is a cute bodied yukkuri.


there are much less computationally expensive forms of text classifiers that can be used than neural nets. Running deep neural nets at scale for EACH AND EVERY POST would be a nightmare imo

Just using a few simple regex rules should be sufficient for 80% of cases


File: 1619486994616.png ( 42.29 KB , 454x1360 , (you).png )



How do you use regex to detect pictures?


if grep -cv ">" == 0 { delete(post) } // false positives are shitposts anyway


There actually is Tesseract OCR code in the codebase, not sure how well it works.

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