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File: 1619792520213.png ( 510.68 KB , 1809x2000 , chungus.png )


Will the highlight text > click reply > highlighted text is quoted feature be fixed at some point? Whether it works or not seems to be down to pure chance.
Also please move the text in a bit on the reply box, I can't see where the | thingy is at the start of the line and it makes greentexting things a nuisance


It works when you're already in the topic, just not if you try to reply from the index. Though I agree it would be cool if it worked there as well.


No I mean it doesn't work in the thread half the time




It looks like quoting doesn't work if you're quoting multiple lines of text.


>No I mean it doesn't work in the thread half the time
When you click on the post number of the post with the highlighted text? I notice it doesn't work if I highlight >>6126 and then click 6128.

I can highlight the entire OP and it works. Firefox on desktop.


I notice highlighting the whole OP text, without selecting past the last line, it works, although it doesn't add a > after the new line…
Also, if I carelessly highlight the whole thing and go a little past the end, it doesn't work.
(No idea how that would be fixed…)


How do you spoiler?


double asterik

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